Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Crimes Against Humanity In Bahrain!

April 05-2011.

TO: President Barack H. Obama.

E-mail: http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

Dear Mr. President,

Crimes Against Humanity In Bahrain!

I have been watching closely on the television and Internet how the Saudi Arabian Military forces were treating the Bahrain people. Those peaceful demonstrators who from the outset, was only calling for political reforms that would allow them to have a say in the Parliament there, via Free And Fair Elections. All of these demonstrations were done Peacefully, until the Internal Security forces started using Tear Gas, and even Firing Live rounds at the demonstrators in The Roundabout Square.

Subsequently followed by the UAE Military Incursion that further cemented these brutal acts against people who merely wanted to indulge their Human Right To Dissent In a Peaceful manner. As I watched these goings on, along with the rest of the International Community, I asked myself this question.

Where is the United Nations when we need them, as innocent people are being killed, maimed, arrested, harassed, and imprisoned, because they chose to freely express themselves openly on the streets of Bahrain?

Mr. President, I am deeply disappointed with you for not standing up against these atrocities, with the assertiveness that is warranted. And I am also deeply disappointed that you have not warned the Saudi's and their UAE acolytes, to stop the killing, and show respect for the sovereignty of the Bahrain people, even if they were invited in.

This type of incursion of any foreign military, by invitation or not, to put down any internal demonstration (peaceful or not), cannot be accepted anywhere. And would be construed by any rational thinking person as an occupation of their land by foreign forces, and a violation of their sovereignty.


Derryck S. Griffith.


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