Thursday, July 28, 2011

What Is Multiculturalism?

July 28-2011.

What Is Multiculturalism?

Definition: The doctrine that several different cultures (rather than one national culture) can coexist peacefully and equitably in a single country. Therefore, these types of societies can also be described as Plural societies/cultures. Then what does these types of societies have to do to ensure that all ethnic/cultural groups get along well, without strife, hatred, partisanship, or stereotyping?

If the concept of Multiculturalism is truly going to work for the benefit of the entire commonweal, then the national policies must ensure there is equity in economic opportunities, job opportunities, educational opportunities, and the acquisition open to all. Political affiliation and association allowed to all, freedom of the press, TV, Internet, radio, and other media to all, and judicial representation or habeas Corpus for all who need or seek it.

All Are Supposedly Equal Except Others?

In some societies if you are not a member of the major ethnic or racial group, then you are socially, politically, and sometimes considered a second class citizen. This is overtly and covertly enforced via educational quotas, regional developmental quotas in funding programs, that cater to those second class citizens, and are treated socially as inferiors.

In the EU, and most of the other European countries currently, there is a growing trend to see all immigrants, especially Immigrants Of Color, Arabs/Muslims, as a threat to the stability of those countries. Some states within the union have already legislated against these immigrants, specifying that they wear certain attire in public places, or state owned institutions, and seek to integrate into the mainstream culture in order to be accepted.

Right Wing Fanaticism:

This idea promulgated by the above groups, that Whites/Caucasians are the only ones who are qualified to occupy Europe is gaining momentum. And that all foreigners to the European hemisphere are not welcomed to reside therein, without the expressed permission of the state concerned. Exceptions are those on holiday, diplomats, and other technocrats that are allowed to reside therein. And marriage between Europeans and non-Europeans must not be allowed or permitted.



Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Modern Day Knight's Templar Mission!

July 27-2011.

The Modern Day Knight's Templar Mission!

Historically, these crusaders waged war with any state or region that threatened the crown or the crown's properties. They took their orders from the Pope in the Vatican (primarily), and even defied the Vatican if they felt some issue had to be addressed and dealt with via war, and they were prepared to do so without the Vatican's blessings.

The local Nationalist terrorist Behring Breivik who killed those 78 Norwegian adults and youths, wanted to make the following statements in a very graphic manner.

* He resented the current influx of Muslims and all foreigners into Norway.

* He felt that if this immigration continued unabated, it will dilute Norway's indigenous culture, language, and way of life generally.

* He felt that they were parasites who were bent on coming here to enjoy the benefits that Norwegians had, without having to pay for it. Which would hamper future payments for Norwegians who are legally eligible to receive them.

* Finally, he felt that most of these illegal foreigners (especially Muslims), were not prepared to integrate into the mainstream culture, but wanted Norwegians to accommodate to their culture, language, mode of dress, and lifestyle.



Tuesday, July 26, 2011

No Empire Lasts Forever-And The Western Powers Or Civilization Is Not Exempt.

July 26-2011.

No Empire Lasts Forever-And The Western Powers Or Civilization Is Not Exempt.

I am sick and tired of reading and hearing people talk about the decline of the west, as though it was exempt from such inevitability.

And these same pundits who write so copiously with the accompanying historical references to support their contention, are saying nothing new. Least of all, educating us about what we already know and have read.

The industrialized western powers, which comprise the European Union, Britain, the USA, and Canada, have all enjoyed relative un-affected economic growth for decades. The USA, Britain, and The EU are the states that control and influence how the global economies will behave too.

But with the growth of developing countries like China, Brazil, India, Singapore, Russia, and Vietnam. These western powers are now getting some formidable competition in global trade, and economic influence, which hitherto, they felt was theirs alone.

This is the reality of International Economics, International Finance, and International Trade, making a difference on how we do business, and practice politics currently.



Monday, July 25, 2011

Could There Be Positive Journalism Without Mud Slinging?

July 25-2011.

Could There Be Positive Journalism Without Mud Slinging?

I say, it depends on who the journalist is! Journalists are supposed to report what they see, hear, and are told in the field. And when the situation warrants, give an assessment or evaluation of what they perceive to be the truth or something close to it.

Whenever a journalist is giving his/her opinion on any issue, he/she MUST say so without hesitation. Failing to do so, disregards the principles of true journalism, and the journalist loses credibility.

In today's news media reporting, most journalists are expected to sensationalize most of what they report, just to get top ratings or increased readership. This is what their bosses tell them to do, and what is expected. So a lot of speculating, hypothesis,and nuances, play an important role in how journalists report the news on a daily basis.

Is this ever going to change?

I say for those who believe that Fair, Balanced, and Accurate reporting, will ensure that it is maintained, regardless of the pressure to do otherwise.



Thursday, July 14, 2011


July 14-2011.


This orthodox Jewish male caught an eight year old Jewish boy (Leiby Kletzy), took him home and probably sexually molested him. When he learned that the police was after him. He severed both of the boys legs, and put them in his fridge.

Then he took the rest of the body miles away, and dumped it in a garbage dumpster.

The Jewish community is shocked and said this could never be a Jew.

Well, I have news for you Devils. Your own kind in Israel does the same on a daily basis to the Palestinians.



Saturday, July 09, 2011

The Republic Of South Sudan!

July 09-2011:

July 09-2011:

The Republic Of South Sudan!

Was established officially today at midnight (July 08-2011). It is the 193rd country in the world, and the continent of Africa's 53rd state. Fifteen percent of all adults are illiterate, and most citizens earn one dollar per day. The south has the oil, but the pipelines passes through the north for export.

These two countries now have to decide how the oil revenue from trade will be allocated between them. And the South has to ensure that their share is equitably distributed, among the people's developmental programs. This new state also has to ensure that the internal ethnic strife that has lingered for decades among them find reconciliation soon, because to allow this to continue festering, will hamper any real internal development within this new state, due to the military conflict that will ensue.

With unity and solidarity, this new state can overcome all challenges and obstacles ahead. And the commonweal also has to ensure there is transparency, accountability, and legitimacy in all that their leaders do at the administerial levels.

And to advocate for all the Civil and Human Rights Internationally recognized and observed in the developed hemispheres, like Freedom of The Press, Internet, Freedom to verbally dissent on the streets, homes, press, on the TV and Radio.



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