Sunday, July 30, 2006

A New UN Security Resolution Was Drafted Today!

July 30-2005:
A New UN Resolution Drafted Today!
Unfortunately, The UN Security Council's new resolution to Israel & Lebanon is a farce. What it says to the two parties is basically to stop fighting, and create a climate for a sustainable peace. Not mindful of the thousands of innocent civilians already killed and severely wounded already in this conflict
That to my mind was a ridiculous statement, coined by a council that as George W. Bush said not so long ago, is IRRELEVANT.
He surely had a valid point there!
The reality however, is that the UN is subjected to the directives of the United States, (it's largest financial donor). Therefore, it has to play suck-up to the US, and heed the political interests that it purports to support.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Is Hesbullah Being Defeated?

July 29-2006:

IS Hesbullah Being Defeated?

As I see it, and based on the TV reports from the BBC and our local CNN & Fox news networks.
Hesbullah is alive and well!
Remember, Hesbullah is a political party with a military wing, referred to a it's militia, in Lebanon. And most Lebanese are sympathetic to, and support Hesbullah politically.
So in this conflict with Israel, Hesbullah fighters could call, and are able to recruit from among the Lebanese population, any amount of fighters it needs in this conflict, without any effort.
What Israel has been doing is following the smoke and fire indicators, from rockets fired by Hesbullah. Then send planes to bomb these locations. But I presume that Hesbullah is also aware that Israel is monitoring them, and will strike almost immediately when any rocket/s are fired into Israel.
Therefore, I presume the strategy that Hesbullah is using, is to fire these rockets, and flee underground (LITERALLY). With this sort of guerilla tactics, losses in fighters and equipment, will be minimized by Hesbullah.
So frustrated Israel is bombing Lebanon's infrastructure, and some known offices of Hesbullah. In order (according to them), to defeat or break Hesbullah's strength and ability to operate fully.
This tactic by Israel is proving useless, and is responsible for the thousands of civilians killed in Lebanon, by these bombings. Deliberate or not, the evidence on the ground will validate or invalidate the wisdom, or vendetta of Israel.
I wonder if any international UN force will be able to stop Hesbullah from firing rockets into Israel. Or stop Israel from responding in kind, via flying over the UN forces to bomb Hesbullah.
I Report-You Decide.
Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Mass Murder Seem To Be The Current Mandate:

July 26-2006:
It Seems Like MASS MURDER Is The Order Of The Day!

Not even the United Nations is immune to Israeli bombings any longer. That is the current reality today, as a result of the bombing of a UN Outpost in Lebanon.
The Israeli government says, they are not targeting the UN authorities.
The UN authorities said they called the Israeli command several times prior to the bombing, to remind them that they were in the firing line of their missiles.
Israel seem to feel it has Carte-Blanche to continue the mass killing of innocent civilians. As an established sovereign state, they have the responsibility to adhere to the UN charter on military actions in civilian domains. Israel actions seem to suggest, total disregard for international concerns, or calls for a reduction of the bombing of innocent civilians, (willful or not).
Only time will tell who is really conducting mass murder in this conflict!

Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

President George W. Bush Wants Syria To Get Involved Diplomatically:

July 23-2006:


George W. Bush Calls Syria For Help!


It is extremely ironic that The Syrians left Lebanon because of international pressure, and from the USA, for them to leave. And the death of the former wealthy politician who was allegedly killed by Syrian security agents in Lebanon, was also a popular candidate for the presidency of Lebanon, and anti-Syria.

Now President George W. Bush is telling the international community that Syria must encourage Hesbullah to cease hostilities with Israel, and pursue diplomacy for a solution to this crisis.


This political turnaround by George W. Bush in his position on Syria, just goes to show how shallow, and inept his diplomacy is!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Friday, July 14, 2006

The Hesbullah-Hamas & Israeli Conflict Explained:

The Political & Military Facts Of The Israeli-Hamas & Hesbullah Conflict:

* The USA's ally is Israel:
* And The USA is the biggest donor to the UN's coffers:
* The UN cannot pressure the USA to caution Israel openly, because of the above reality, and other political ramifications:
* Hesbullah is not Hamas!
* Israel tried to defeat Hesbullah umpteen times before, but was never successful:
* Hesbullah is determined to fight Israel to the bitter end (if possible) in this conflict:
* Meanwhile, the so-called efforts to extract the captured solders are no longer the top priority.
* Trying to get Hesbullah and Hamas to humble before Israel's wishes (militarily), is the un-spoken goal of Israel:

I Report-You decide:
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Monday, July 03, 2006


July 03-2006:


Freedom Of Speech Defined:

Freedom of speech is the concept of being able to speak freely without censorship. It is often regarded as an integral concept in modern liberal democracies.

And notably under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The US Constitution:

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is a part of the United States Bill of Rights. Textually, it prohibits the federal legislature from making laws that:

* Establish a state religion or prefer certain religion (the "Establishment Clause");
* Prohibit free exercise of religion (the "Free Exercise Clause");
* Infringe the freedom of speech;
* Infringe the freedom of the press;
* Limit the right to assemble peaceably;
* Limit the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Some Positive Aspects Of Free Speech:

* Admiration:
* Encouragement:
* Patriotism:
* Freedom Of The Press-Religions & Individual:
* Judicial:

Some Negative Aspects Of Free Speech:

* Name Calling:
* Insulting:
* Blackmail:
* Inflammatory:
* Inciting:
* Non-judicial:
* Dictatorship:

Why Do I Need Permission To Speak Freely?

Words like actions can evoke or induce acts or actions, that can be harmful or pleasant for the intended victim or persons communicated to. Without certain precautions or guidelines, free speech can be devastating to many, especially those to whom such intent was directed. Governments with their established political apparatus over the centuries, have been able to control, limit, and direct the media, the commonweal, and other institutions on the preferred content of certain communications to the masses.

And the masses have also been dis-allowed in many instances, from voicing their concerns to the state, the government, and the political elected or appointed. Agitating for social-political and economic changes are considered political and radical issues in many political and cultural systems. So controls are legislated, or implemented to prohibit the volume, some sources, and frustrate those who use this means to get their messages across the political spectrum.

Others have also used the media to defame, blackmail, or indulge in libelous comments (vocally-directly, and indirectly) at their victims, inducing grievous psychological and mental injury to their victims. That is why legislation is necessary to stipulate what is acceptable speech at Public forums, the Media, and Press.

How Could We Safeguard Free Speech?

Safe-guarding free speech is an ongoing struggle in several cultures, especially those where free speech was never historically allowed. And encouraging the masses to agitate for legislation for the right to 'Free Speech' publicly, via the media and the Internet, is still dangerous in countries like China, some or most Islamic countries, and dictatorships.

But in the political democracies of the western hemisphere, this right is less challenged. Even though with the arrival of the Internet, this new technological divide that brings cultures the world over, much closer is seen by many politicians as harmful. Some strive to limit access, or prevent the free exploration of this technology. While some Internet providers are assisting the state with requests
for information about their clientele, thus creating fear for confidentiality.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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