Saturday, August 25, 2007


August 24-2007:

The Internet & Web MUST Be Protected From Capitalist Monopolization!

Today there is a rapidly growing movement of Internet Capitalists who are bent of making the Internet another bastion for accruing insatiable profits, while trying to disguise their intention with slogans like Free Internet, Free Media, and Freedom to spread the Internet access everywhere without interference.

Yes, these vultures are using the Internet aggressively to do advertising, promote conservative religious views that serve some of their patronizers and communities, and support political candidates that cater to their own partisan interests.

The traditional E-mail accounts are being phased out. YouTube, once the outlet for youth and college students to make friends, share experiences with friends, exchange ideas, interests, and photos. Is now taken over by another Media Monster bent of accruing much more profits from this popular web site, and ever growing community.

So What Can We The Consumers Do To Stem The Spread & Takeover Of Our Cyberspace?

* We could petition our political representatives to legislate for the prevention of monopoly, or conglomeration of the Internet and web, by any government, or private enterprise.

* As consumers, we MUST petition for continual vigilance by those responsible for the regulation of Internet business, usage, and safety. To ensure that such moves or takeovers does not happen.

* We the consumers MUST also ensure that the Internet & the Web be accessible to all regions, states, and nations globally. And that the provision of technology, expertise, and know how, be made available to any country, state, or region that needs this kind of assistance for providing Internet Services to their populations.

And finally, that the Internet be protected from Government's interference, curtailment, prevention from accessing, and censorship, GLOBALLY!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
August 24-2007:

Wonders Never Cease-But Daily Increases:


BBC reported today about a nine year old Hong Kong Chinese boy is about to attend the University Of Hong Kong shortly. He has scored all A's in every subject, that a student has to sit to qualify for college entrance.
Indeed, he is a child prodigy. And will be the youngest student to attend that university.

He will be pursuing the attainment of his Bachelors & Masters in Mathematics.
Wonders Never Cease-But Daily Increase!

August 22-2007:


We Are Responsible For Whatever Choices We Make!

I had a discussion with a buddy recently, who is now vacationing in Florida. He has Substance usage and Anger issues. But he feels that if he stays in New York City, the influences here (according to him), prevents him from making progress in a positive way.

This brother, like so many people I know, BLAME others or the society for their ills of mis-fortunes.

These people fail to realize that we all have CHOICES to make in every day life. And whatever choice we make, we reap the results of that or those choices.
Therefore, do not blame society or any person for your mis-fortunes. Because (no one) forced you to do to anything that brought negative results.

It was your VOLUNTARY choice!

So accept that and live with it. But let it be a lesson to move forward positively!


August 20-2007:


Who Speaks For The Ordinary Palestinians Based In Gaza?
Ever since the violent altercation between Hamas and Fatah party supporters, which caused the split or hiatus in the Israeli controlled, dominated, and terrorized regions. It is the ordinary Palestinian women, men and children who are starving, dying, homeless, jobless, and lives in perpetual fear of the Israelis and fellow Palestinians, on a daily basis.

The USA, and her European and Arab allies refuse to give or allow aid of any sort to the Gaza region controlled by Hamas. So until the blockade is lifted, the Palestinians continue to STARVE, DIE (primarily at the hands of Israeli gun ships), and fear for their daily livelihood.

This situation to my mind is terrorism disguised as a political necessity!

August 20-2007:

Gays Will Go To Hell-Says Some Pastors:


I feel that if anyone wants to publicly declare that GAYS or HOMOS are going to Hell, then that is their opinion, and should be allowed to voice them.
I would much prefer an OPEN and Public Declaration like that.

Than one that says "KILL all Gays Or Homos" in your neighborhood.

FREE speech can sometimes be very bothersome if we do not agree with what is being said. But in a TRUE democracy, FREE Speech is one of the CORE values that MUST be allowed to foster and remain alive.

Maybe those ministers who believe that Gays will go to Hell, will also be the ones to take them there!


The point I am making is simply this. People will say what they feel or think, regardless of whether it effects or bothers anyone else.
Because they feel it must be said!

What Laws can do, is to protect those who Wilfully do Harm (to the physical body or infrastructure), of anyone or thing, that they feel hatred for.
That is all that could be done to alleviate the growth and spread of ACTIVE hatred!



Thursday, August 23, 2007

Could Ethnic & Cultural Diversity Really Survive & Thrive?

August 22-2007:

Could Cultural & Ethnic Diversity Really Survive And Thrive For All Time?

Tonight after watching a documentary on the history channel-13, about the history of Islam-Christianity & Judaism. How these religious belief's converts struggled to live side by side. And how they fought against each other for space, livelihood, and personal safety for centuries.

Even to this day globally, this religious diversity is threatened once again primarily in the middle eastern hemisphere. And I ask myself the question which the title of this article above states. But is amazed at the continuation of these social-religious and political struggles. Some of which purport or promote violence, Jihad, and martyrdom, for those who are gullible enough to get on board once more.

And I realize that this current phenomenon is just a replay of what has occurred centuries ago, and will probably continue for as long as humans occupy this planet. Which I believe is part of the drama or experiences that us humans must face. As we continue to grow, develop, and adapt to our continually changing social, intellectual, political, and economic environments.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


Sunday, August 19, 2007


August 15-2007:
Hugo Chavez Said-Give Me More Power:
President Hugo Chavez said 'give me more power' by amending the National Constitution.
And I will give more power to the people.
History has shown that such rhetoric made by Socialists and other dictators, ends up giving more power to the DICTATOR eventually.
And that is what Hugo Chavez is hoping for. I don't know how intellectually sophisticated the Venezuelans are.
But should he get the power he seeks. Woe to all Venezuelans in the near future, when he starts to enforce his personal so-called Socialist policies.
August 14-2007:
New Body Fat Measurement Revealed:
Traditionally, it was felt that the distribution of the Mass Body Fat, measured from the waist upwards to the chest, is no longer valid.
According to the BBC today. a new scientific report has declared the following contradictions.
* The measurement around 'the stomach/ navel' should be Lesser in circumference than from 'around "the Widest section of the Hip."
If the Mid-section of the belly is Wider or Larger than the Widest section of the Hip.
That is an indicator that you are likely to suffer from heart problems, diabetes-2, and other related cholesterol problems.
Therefore, it seems to me now that those who have HIV & AIDS, and is on medication for the HIV virus suppression, will not be qualified for the following reasons.
* Most HIV positive people who are on medication for the virus, continues to have large stomachs, due to Gas, or Bloating, and a build up of Fat around the waistline.
Doing rigorous exercises helps most of these people very little. The reduction of fat around the waistline is a perpetual struggle with HIV & AIDS patients. So this new revelation is a DAMPER for most HIV positive people on medication. Thus adding to the already multitudinous fears that they live with day after day!

August 14-2007:
The Reason For Black Male Incarceration Worldwide:
The Police Force as an institution internationally, has always been or assisted in the demise of the Black male psyche or soul.
It was and is still being used for the same psychological detriment of Blacks worldwide.
It was used very skillfully in Apartheid South Africa during the White supremacy rule by Botha, to suppress, incarcerate, beat up, and harm Blacks throughout that country with impunity.
Today it is still being used in The USA, Britain, Africa, the Caribbean, and other countries, for the same objective.
* Because the Black male is a perceived threat to those White and Brown men in power around the world.
* We are perceived as a threat to their so-called masculinity.
* A threat to their sense of manhood.
* And a threat to their women's fantasies, about what is would be like sexually, to be with a Black man.
I rest my case!
August 13-2007:
Let it be known that those who advocate for the prevention of Snitching on criminals. They are promoting CRIME, IGNORANCE, and the Code Ethics For Criminal Activities.
No Law Abiding, Honest, and Civil conscious person, would refuse to co-operate with the authorities for the arrest of Rapists, Drug Dealers, Serial Killers, Muggers, etc, that is at large and pose a threat to our communities and families.
August 12-2007:
How Prepared Can You Be For The College Experience?

College is not anything like your High School years. College is an institution for Higher Learning, and the FREE expression and exploration of IDEAS, learned and incorporated.
Colleges are supposed to help you understand the REAL WORLD'S economic, political, and international institutions. Thus paving the way for you to make 'informed decisions' in every aspect of your post college years, and adulthood.
So my friend, take your time and wait until you get there, to familiarize yourself with the institution's many departments, faculties, and fellow students.
And the Freshman year is the time to do these Preliminary things.


Sunday, August 12, 2007


Augst 11-2007:

Is Mozilla Firefox Browser All It Claims To Be?

I have used Firefox browser on an ON and OFF basis for the following reasons.
* Mozilla seem to feel that the more features it puts in it's browser, the cooler it will be.
* Because of the addition of more and more features on that browser, it gets slower and slower to navigate online.
* This I believe is what is causing many traditional users of that browser to seek others.
I find AVANT, FAST BROWSER, ENIGMA, & MAXTHON browsers much faster to use and navigate online. Because they are not constrained with features, most users never use anyway, or remember that they have.
Until Mozilla Firefox designers realize that it is not the features that users want mostly.
It is reliability, SPEED, and quick opening of that browser when we click on it!
August 09-2007:
Black Youths In Britain Have The Wrong Role Models!
BBC announced today that Blacks in Britain have the wrong role models.
And they showed the Rap singer 'Fifty Cents." But the problem lies much deeper that just Rappers influence.
* When a certain class of people find themselves in a situation that seems hopeless economically, politically, and socially. Then the tendency to become anarchists, or anti-establishment begins.
* When single parent families pre-dominate these communities, it harbors the lack of serious Role Models for boys. So most look to their peers, older cronies, the entertainment industry or Rappers, who have been able to transcend this environment economically.
With this visibility seen on TV and Videos, and heard on Music CD's or the Internet. These successful brothers and sisters are perceived as the Role Models for the less fortunate brothers and sisters in the Hood.
August 08-2007:
When Shit Happens-Escaping Fan May Be Impossible!

Today, the New York City Subway & Bus systems experienced severe stoppages, due to heavy downpours which occurred last night throughout the state. Commuters were faced with NO-GO trains, resulting from flooding on several tracks throughout the five boroughs.
Even the busses were of little help, because most of those who use the Buses, still have to continue their journey via the subway system, to get to work.
When such incidents happen due to inclement weather, and one has to make a pre-arranged job interview at a specific time. It may be one of those days when you would expect your potential employer to understand the situation that all commuters are experiencing, and make provision for lateness. Though there are some individuals who are so rigid in their thinking, that they would expect punctuality, regardless of external and un-avoidable circumstances.
However, as we say here in the USA. "Shit Happens." And sometimes it may be very difficult to escape the debris that the fan is spewing!
August 07-2007:
Is It A Terrorist Act-Or Is It Accidental?
Today the BBC reported that one of the manufacturers of the Foot & Mouth Disease Vaccines is suspect, for the recent discovery of an infected cow and water canal nearby.
This company came under suspicion by the authorities before when the previous outbreak happened.
So this scenario gave rise to further suspicion about the allegations that it is responsible for this new outbreak.
However, investigations are continuing, and I will keep you posted on developments.

Could A Spirit Or Soul Indulge In Sexual Activity?
The Islamic Jihadists believe that after committing martyrdom, they will ascend to Heaven. And therein be given seventy virgins, and anything their hears desire.
This is the minset of all Jihadists suicide bombers, because they were told this by their Masjid Imams. It is also the motivating factor for them to enlist as suicide bombers too.
However, I wonder where would all these VIRGINS come from. Because finding a VIRGIN on this planet today, requires some diligent searching.
So where would these seventy virgins come from, to accommodate all those hundreds or thousands of Jihadists suicide bombers who may have departed to this heaven already.
It is ironic how these Moslem ,male fanatics could believe in such nonsense. I guess it stems for their collective culture of sexual repression!

George W. Bush Supports A Loose Cannon:
The government in Iraq has absolutely no control or authority whatever. Several assembly members have left the government because of frustration, and too much partisan power control by the Shia majority in government.
The G W. Bush administration is supporting 'A White Elephant' that is running like a loose cannon.
And with no end or destination in sight.
As the billions of US dollars pour into that economy. America, and it's military forces are losing BIG TIME in that lost cause, on a daily basis.

August 06-2007:
Thousands Of Small Arms Have Gone Missing In Iraq:
The G W. Bush administration is unable to account for over 200 thousand small arms, issued to the Iraqi government since the declared war in Iraq was over.
This comes as no surprise to me though, for the following reasons:
* Iraq has a history of gun carrying citizens.
* This stems for the insecurity faced by most or all citizens for their personal and family safety.
* Under Sadam Hussein, the Shia majority was not allowed to carry or own firearms.
* Now that the Shia majority is in power, this new power to own a firearm is being exploited, and also to protect themselves from religious partisan killings.
* Finally, apparently no LOG is kept of all firearms issued to the Police or Security forces. So when a Policeman or Internal Security personnel leaves his shift or job for that day. He is allowed to take home his weapon.
This situation can be serious, if he decides not to continue being a policeman or security officer, and joins the insurgent forces, which seem to be the case!


Saturday, August 04, 2007


August 04-2007:
The Very First Time Is What Matters The Most:
The very first encounter with anyone, determines whether you are compatible or not. Or if a second encounter is possible.
For example, when you meet someone for a date, or for a Booty Call, if you are hesitant to fully explore each other's body stimuli, then that experience is what you will leave with that person thereafter.
Nothing you could possibly do subsequently to make amends, will ever compensate for those inhibitions, or lack of sincerety in that first sexual encounter.
Therefore, if you are truly serious, mature, and wise, then you should give your all the very first time. So long as there is chemistry there. Don't hesitate to show what you can do, and express sexually.
Failing to fully express your sexual desire for that person then and there, can never be repaired afterwards.
That is why so few of us ever get a second time with the same person. Because invariably, we are too drunk, too high on some intoxicant, or too scared to behave naturally, sexually.

August 03-2007:
CNN Lou Dobbs View Of Democrats Behavior In Congress:
CNN Lou Dobbs claimed on his show today, that Democrats behaved like if this Congress was in a Banana Republic.
But let me remind you that such behavior happens all over the world today.
Recently it occurred in the British Parliament, under Tony Blair's Prime Ministership.
* It also occurred in South Korea, and Japan's Parliament too, recently.
So Lou, you may have your views on how Parliament or Congress members aught to behave.
But when you have a Democratic system in place, that can sometimes allow for the FREE expression of annoyance in this manner.
Such behaviors would not be allowed under a Dictatorship!

Political Reps & Their Thirty Second Responses:
Political representatives/candidates and politicians, are at a disadvantage when they have to respond to questions asked by the media, in only thirty seconds.
This is surely not enough time for any rational thinking person to be able to gather his or her thoughts, and come up with an answer that would be satisfactory or resolute.
Under such circumstances, BLUNDERS are bound to be made by anyone placed in that situation. And the media people know that.
So they continue to use this strategy as a tool for public scrutiny or censorship.
Americans I am sure, do understand this plight that their political reps are faced with. But I also hope that they take the time to reflect upon what they hear from these reps afterwards.
And not be too tempted to draw conclusive analysis about any candidate's position on any issue or policy declaration.
An anonymous reader writes:
Robots Are Roaming In Iraq:
"Robots have been roaming Iraq, since shortly after the war began. Now, for the first time — the first time in any war zone — the 'bots are carrying guns.
The SWORDS robots, armed with M249 machine guns, "haven't fired their weapons yet," an Army official says. "But that'll be happening soon."
The machines have actually been ready for a while, but safety concerns kept them off the battlefield.
Now, the robots have kill switches, so "now we can kill the unit if it goes crazy," according to the Army. I feel safer already."

August 02-2007:
Aug 1, 7:39 PM (ET)Bridge Collapses Over The Mississippi River Today!

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - A freeway bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis collapsed Wednesday, sending many cars into the water. Tons of concrete have collapsed and people are injured. Survivors are being carried up the riverbank.
The entire span of the I-35 W bridge collapsed about 6:05 p.m. where the freeway crosses the river near University Avenue. Some people are stranded on parts of the bridge that aren't completely in the water. A tractor-trailer is on fire at the collapse scene.
Over 60 communters were injured. The death toll is still to be established. Meanwhile the rescue and recovery teams are assessing the damages. This situation is now considered to be a CRIME scene by the authorities responsible for this investigation.
Reference The I-35 Bridge Collapse Possibilities!

It is still not yet determined what caused the collapse of that bridge.
However, I would like to speculate on the different scenarios that may have caused it. After all, it never hurts to speculate on these matters when human lives are at stake now and in the future.
* Was this bridge inspected totally, including the columns, their foundations, and strength recently, (like a year ago)?
* Is the water current beneath this and other bridges of this sort, checked frequently, for strength, and possibly for damage to these bridges overtime?
* Could the vibration from power tools, like saws, drills, and hammers, cause such scenarios to happen?
* Could a terrorist lay explosives beneath the bridge, under the water, to explode quietly, at different points?
And remotely triggered to do so?
* Or was it neglectful and untimely maintenance of this bridge?
All of these are possibilities.

Could Break Away And Drifting Icebergs-Cause Sea Levels To Rise Globally?
This is a question that scientists still have to prove literally. Comonsence observation establishes that if you insert an ice cube in a glass of water. When that tube melts fully, the level of the water in that glass will obviously rise.
But when it comes to the worlds oceans, that scenario is difficult to prove scientifically and exactly.
Until scientific validation is forthcoming, one could only assume that global warming, and breakaway icebergs are contributing factors to this phenomenon.
How Jihadists Are Recruited!
The Madrasas of Pakistan are seen by those who send their children there, as a haven for learning and future opportunities.
Most of the children who attend these Madrasas are very poor. They come from the poorest regions of Pakistan, where the official school system is non-existent, poorly equipped for learning, much less teaching.
Mass illiteracy among the natives of those regions create hopelessness for any aspiring youth for a better life there.
So because of these realities, the Imaams of most in these Madrasas use this opportunity to indoctrinate these kids into believing, that they must join their leaders Jihadis't quest, to save Islam from the West.
Poverty and a lack of any prospects for self improvement, could do strange things to the human phyche.
So suicide bombers, fanatics, and other Mujahadeen fighters are created in this climate of anger and hopelessness!
July 31-2007:
What The Middle East Region Need Is STABILITY-Not Weapons!
The G W. Bush administration promises billions of US dollars in ammunition to Saudi Arabia, Jordan & Israel. This gesture they claim will ensure that the US Arab allies, have the wherewithal militarily to continue the fight against terrorism.
And to show Iran and other terrorist elements in that region, that the US means business, and is willing to continue helping it's allies in that regard.
Incidentally, the US have helped many nations and Mujahedeen groups in that region before, only to have to engage in combat with those same groups today. For example Iraq, Asama Bin Laden, and other nationalists world wide.
Power and military might, could never survive without support from those who need it's protection!
The Capitalist Cyber World Called Second Life:
The greed of Capitalism has penetrated or created the fictitious Cyber realm called 'Second Life.'
Yes, this cyber world was created for those who live an imaginary life, with all the trappings imagined, and made to resemble this life here on earth.
One could purchase property, homes, and all the physical imaginary things that cater to the capitalist mindset for making monetary profit.
Numerous converts or investors are on board, with stiff competition for investment opportunities. Thus making it very difficult to obtain property in that real estate environment currently.
This Second Life world even has it's own currency for doing business therein. Which could be converted into US dollars if need be.

July 30-2007:
Promises To Keep & Miles To Go Before We Sleep!
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, said today that the UK had promises to keep. This reminds me of that famous writer Robert Frost's quote. 'I've got promises to keep-and miles to go before I sleep.' He was referring to the war against terrorism in Iraq & Afghanistan
However, he made no mention of British troops withdrawing just yet.
That was British diplomacy for you!
July 29-2007:
A person has undergone a sex change operation:
A person whose sexual identification is entirely with the opposite sex.
This brings to mind the SEA HORSE:
This creature is the only known organism on this planet, that can impregnate the male sea horse.
This is done by swimming close to and brushing against the male to indicate that she is ready for sex.
How she is able to impregnate the male sea horse, is still a mystery to me.
But he becomes pregnant soon after with a hundred or more sea horses in his belly.
Twenty days after fertilization, the male gave birth to the babies. Via his brood pouch!
The more I think about this phenomena, the more I ponder the mysteries of this universe, and how limited us humans are, in knowing how it works.


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