The UN Summit & Colonel Gaddafi's Debut Remarks!

September 23-2009:
The UN Summit & Colonel Gaddafi's Debut Remarks!
Gaddafi praised president Obama for his ascensin to the highest office in the USA. And cautioned that after he leaves. The White House & US politics may return to the G W Bush period policies (or words to that effect).
The Obama White House may not welcome this homage publicly.
Be that as it may, Gaddafi is back on the world stage as a responsible Head Of State today!
He also said that the UN Security Council should be called The Terror Council. He aught to know, because he is from that background!
Because they impose their will on the other states not represented therein. Furthermore, the member states are like those who speak at Hyde Park (In The UK).
We stand on a Soap Box, make a speech, and then disappear!
The UN Security Council's Composition:
Does not reflect adequately, the volume of member states represented. In fact, the developed countries, with two developing countries, decide with a vote, how the others should behave in an emergency.
This has to be changed, with great haste.
How could ten nations decide what is best for 190 member states?
Derryck S. Griffith.
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