Israeli Destruction Of GAZA Was Total In 2009!

December 27-2009:
Israeli Destruction Of GAZA Was Total In 2009!
As the world watched Israel let loose a barrage of military ordinances upon that small strip of land called GAZA, in response to what they called, 'a response to HAMAS and it's militia terror They spared no one, civilian or militia in this onslaught. men, women, children, old people. And most buildings that they felt needed to be destroyed in order to show their military might to the world.
The news media both within Gaza and without, was debarred from entering the territory anytime during or after Israel air strikes and incursions. All that was reported mostly was Israeli's lies to the world, from their own media people, who sold the war to the rest of the world, as though Israel was under seize, and they were fighting for their lives.
White Phosphorous:
This dangerous substance was also used by Israeli forces on the GAZA strip. People saw it exploded in the air, or landed on the ground, caught fire, and burned relentlessly, regardless of whether water was poured on it or not. Those GAZANS who were unfortunate to be victims of that phosphorous attack, was burnt beyond recognition, some were burnt so badly, that there lives were severely threatened, while others died after being burnt.
And yet, Israel denies that they ever used that substance, even after graphic pictures were shown to the world to prove them wrong and to be liars.
Resistance Is The Only Solution When Attacked Or Under Seize:
When the German axis invaded Poland, Czechoslovakia, and subsequently France, the people resisted by any means necessary. In France this resistance movement was called The French Resistance. And played a pivotal role in providing intelligence from the ground to the allied forces in that war, thus eventually leading them to victory
The same is applied in GAZA, by Palestinians who have been under seize for decades, while the USA & her allies pretend to care for the lives and livelihood of these people. All those talks hitherto by the USA, her allies in the Arab world, and Arafat, did not do anything positive to allow the Palestinians to have their own state.
But all they did was to appease the Israel, while they continued to steal the Palestinian lands, kill them surgically on a daily basis, prevent their movements within and without that region, and literally tries to starve them methodically. With the intent to humble and humiliate these people to the point of total submission to the Zionist's wishes and demands.
We Will Resist Until The End:
But the Palestinians have resolved to fight the Israelis until they give up, and let them be free from danger, murder, free to move in and out, and allowed to have their own sovereign state as they should as a people, whose lands were taken from them, given to the Jewish people from Europe, and told that they must accept their neighbor as legitimate.
Even after their greedy neighbors have continued to steal more and more of the Palestinian lands, destroy their crops, refuse to allow them to move around, seek employment, or live like civilized humans should.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Labels: Palestinians Under Seize