What Does Going Green Mean?

May 09-2010:
What Does Going Green Mean?
Here are a few concepts of mine:
* Producing food without pesticides, fungicides, or other alloys to enhance the natural growth of the produce.
* Not using or polluting the atmosphere with any substance, fuel, or spray.
* Not buying any product that uses chemicals that are pollutants of the air, the eyes, the nostrils, the seas, ponds, waterways, oceans, or forests.
* Using solar panels of the roof of new or refurbished homes, apartment buildings, office buildings, or any structure that can accommodate solar panels.
Which will save energy that would have used coal, or mineral fuels hitherto used as fuel energy.
* Buying vehicles that use solar panels, bio-fuels, or other green fuels being produced globally currently.
And ensuring that continued experiments are being made to promote this concept.
* And using LED's solar efficient light bulbs (if or when affordable), to light homes, offices, apartments, and for decorative use too.
Labels: The Green Technology
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