Sunday, October 29, 2006

Barak Obama's Presidential possibilities In 2008!

October 29-2006:


Barak Obama is a young man with great potential to serve this nation of ours. He has shown the ability to sway minds and hearts hitherto un-moveable or un-shakeable. However, the question or concern in some quarters about his prospects for success to the White House in 2008, concerns me very much. Personally, I feel he has as good a chance of getting there as Hillary Clinton. And in some ways even greater, because he could relate more to the commonweal.

So here are some Pros & Cons to this speculation:

Barak Obama's Presidential Possibilities:


* He is globally informed:

* Well respected in his home state Illinois:

* Well rounded in intelligence and vision:

* Admirable, people friendly, publicly appealing, and politically suave:


* Cannot or must not be used to save face, for the Democratic party's failures:

* Does not have a magic wand for this country's ills:

* Big money will support a Black candidate for president, only if he or she is prepared to dance to their tune:

* The US Senate does not have enough democratic representatives to support the democratic agenda:

Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Time To Defend Yourself Gay Men-Or Die!

October 21-2006:

Stand & Fight Brothers-Defend Yourself Or Continue To Die!

Too often I hear and read about Gay men being attacked physically on the streets in the USA, beaten up, or killed. The attackers are mostly teens or young adolescents, who attack us in groups of three to five individuals, with Base-Ball bats, Sticks, Metal implements, or with their Bare hands. This phenomenon has been the reality in this country for too long.

So it is now our time to defend ourselves IN A REAL WAY!


There have been demonstrations, and more demonstrations in the streets of this country against "Gay Bashing," as it is referred or described. But the results or cessation of these abuses are on the increase in most cities still. Some states have enacted legislation to penalize the convicted of such HATE crimes with imprisonment and fines. But this legal deterrent has not worked either.

What & Who indulges in Gay Bashing?

Gay Bashing is both Vocal and Physical. This is also done by Gay and Bisexual men, who feel some sort of Self-hate towards themselves or other Gay men for various reasons. Mostly psychological. So this form of giving such HATRED expression is indulged in.

Heterosexuals or presumed heterosexual men and women also indulge in Bashing Homosexuals, when they have an AXE to grind personally with Homosexuality, and Homosexuals!

The Time To Physically Act Has Come:

They are several ways to defend oneself when one is attacked by these THUGS on the streets, and I will identify some of them!

* Gay Bashers attack Gay men or presumed Gay men in groups of four to six individuals. Mostly young men.

* Some Gay men feel that if they run away from this situation, they will be safe. But you are DEAD WRONG!

* If you run away when attacked, you will be pursued, and when caught, will be seriously injured, or killed. That is A FACT.

* My suggestion to you here is simply this.

* Assess the situation as these Thugs are approaching you to strike.

* Watch closely for the one that you feel you could hold on to first, or be able to wrestle with.

* Then GRAB that one, try to SINK your TEETH in his NECK or FACE.

* Do not release it until he is screaming for you to stop, and the BLOOD is spewing out from his face or neck.

* By this time, the others will get scared and start to run away from the scene. Spilling BLOOD has that effect on most people. Even THUGS.

* This is the surest way to show some form of bravery or self defense against your attackers, if you are un-armed, or without some form of self defense knowledge, skills, or weapon.

We Are Sending A Message:

When Gay men begin to stand and fight PHYSICALLY, regardless of the ODDS, then the society at large will realize that we are not all SISSIES, or FRIGHTENED SCREAMING MIMIES. But we know how to defend ourselves too.


Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Can The Iraqi Government Really Create A Climate Of National Security?

October 18-2006:

Can The Iraqi Government Really Create A National Climate Of Peace & Security?

* Here is the current situation on the ground politically in Iraq.

* The current elected political administration's leadership is housed SAFELY in the notorious American constructed "Green Zone."

* These leaders are unable, or too frightened to appear on the streets or villages, cities and towns of Iraq, for fear of being killed.

* So they make public appearances from the SAFETY of their offices in the Green Zone on television.

* When elected officials are not seen in person, or are unable to meet with their constituents, or is unable to listen or talk with constituents about concerns that affect them. That is the beginning of distrust, and potential downfall.


If Democracy is going to become a reality in Iraq, (Iraqi style), then some efforts MUST be made by these elected officials to be seen locally, and to mix and mingle, with the commonweal, as they are expected to do.

No amount of military strength, or boosting of national security forces, will prevent the total collapse of this flimsy political administration, unless the above considerations are taken into consideration, or implemented!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Legacy Of Foreign Occupation & Colonization!

October 17-2006:

The Legacy Of Foreign Occupation & Colonization:

It is absolutely necessary for me to give an introduction as per the motive of this article. It has been a concern of mine for some time now, and desperately needed an outlet. Therefore, I have decided to make this observation public, especially in the light of current military, and other foreign occupations in sovereign and non-sovereign states like Darfur, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine!

The following situations and experiences, follow the expatriation of most foreign occupations in countries, or states, that may or may not have invited that foreign military, or nation within it's borders. And whenever such foreign occupation takes place, the occupiers complain that collateral expenses, military personnel, economic investments are at stake. And some form of compensation must be given to them, prior, or after their departure, for their involvement or assistance.

But history has shown that these requests are pale in relation to the financial, territorial, and cultural gains obtained in those foreign countries by these occupying countries. And countries who are on the verge of inviting other states to assist them militarily, to put down rebellion, maintain internal peace, or to protect their sovereignty, must be prepared to live with this resulting reality after they have left, for decades to come.

Under foreign occupation, the following reality becomes quite evident. For example:

* A total or partial loss of Indigenous culture or Roots:

* A new National and foreign language/s is entrenched:

* Ethnic divisions, Ethnic strife, and possibly separation results:

* Lack of a National Identity or National Pride results:

* A foreign religion or religious beliefs permeate the entire society:

* Lack of Pertinent Education, Skills, and Technology to develop and Grow Industrially:

* Foreign Ownership or Control of all, or most important Mineral and Natural Resources

* A Puppet Government or Body Politic that caters to the former occupier's interests:

* Self aggrandizement of Local Politicians en-masse:

* And growing opportunistic political leaders, who use any means necessary, to obtain the vote or political power:

It is absolutely VITAL to have all foreign Troops, Military Personnel, and Civilian Technocrats leave as soon as possible!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


The Maintenance Man & Cleanup Woman Concept:

October 16-2006:


Michael Baisden
Radio Anchor

The Maintenance Man & The Cleanup Woman Concept:

Marriage Vows:

I will love-honor and cherish my spouse until death do us part!

* This vow is the BIGGEST FALLACY that was ever created by 'MAN'

* It has never worked, and will never work in reality. Because Humans are generally very fickle. Only social-family and religious pressure causes some of us to confirm to certain rules.

One Man-One Woman Concept:

* This too is a fallacy, because there isn't enough heterosexual males for every heterosexual female, on a one on one marriage basis, on this planet.

* And not all heterosexuals are inclined to get married either.

Men generally and globally die many years before their female counterparts or women generally. So having a mate or spouse until death, is a gamble every woman has to take before marriage.

The Maintenance Man and Woman Concept explained:

It is the view that some men and women are prepared to have a sexual affair, or a emotional relationship with another person, even though they know that he or she is already 'spoken for or married.

Several reasons are given by those who indulge in this behavior. But the general view is simply this:

* I was cheated on before by my spouse, so why not repay the compliment.

* The other person cheated does not have to know about this affair. And if he or she does, then they would have to deal with it and their errant lover or boyfriend however they can.

* Some women say, I didn't know about his marriage before we got serious, and when I did, it was too late to end it!


These views also apply to homosexual affairs or relationships!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Monday, October 09, 2006

North Korea Flexes It's Muscle!

October 09-2006:
The Policy Of Pre-emtive Military Action:

The behavior of Iran and North Korea with regard to the acquisition of nuclear technology or missiles, are based on the above political policy of the George W. Bush administration.
Humans react according to how they perceive any situation that threatens their survival and security. North Korea and Iran are behaving in this manner as national sovereign states. They feel threatened by this pre-emptive policy, declared by the world's only nuclear super power.
Having nuclear capabilities, or technology, would help significantly to limit any military action/s, and to create a political climate for a more equitable say in the decisions of the UN Security Council, on international affairs, when it comes to international peace, security, stability, and trade.
A nuclear strike by any nation would possibly create a climate for a global all out war.
In this situation, allies of all factions will support each other in order to ensure, that some viable defense is established. All of this though is a fallacious perception. Because if a global nuclear war starts, the end result will be TOTAL annihilation of all the world's peoples, and crops.
Leaving in it's wake a global fallout of acid rain, radiation, and earthquakes, that will make any living thing on the planet impossible to survive, much less live.
In fact, it will be ARMAGEDDON in reality!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The BIG BANG Theory Awardees:

October 03-2006:

The BIG BANG Theory Awardees:

Today (October 03-2006), two American Caucasian male physicists were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics, for the Big Bang Theory, or (the origin of the universe).

However, the questions I am about to raise with the scientific community are simply this.

* Whether or not this theory is valid, factual, or plausible, what relevance does it have on the human condition currently on the planet?

* It may be fascinating to those who are interested in these matters. But how does it explain the suffering, conflicts, religious, social, and otherwise, that all human souls experience on this planet?

* And what relevance this theory has for making this world a safer, more liveable, and habitable environment?

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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