Monday, February 26, 2007

Word Up-February 26-2007!

February 26-2007:

Word Up:

Rev. Al Sharpton was descended from The Sharptons and the Thurmonds, who owned his great grand parents, during the period of slavery in The USA. This revelation was made known by the New York Times, to Mr. Sharpton and the public recently.

Mr. Sharpton said publicly that he was surprised to know who was his ancestors slave master or owners, and was now more empowered to continue the struggle advocating for human and civil rights for all. Paula Zahun of CNN asked Mr. Sharpton on television tonight how he felt, and if the news was devastating?

Now why on earth would this revelation be devastating for any Black American or any Black man or woman, whose ancestral history reeked of slaves. So this revelation is not surprising to most Blacks here in America, the Caribbean, South America, or anywhere around the world, that has had a history of slavery. Because that reality is something the Blacks live with on a daily basis within the socio-economic and political culture that we are all a part of.

Acting White & Black Prejudices:

The experience that Blacks have in the inner cities, especially youths growing up in poverty, or Communities Of Color, stem primarily from the mainstream concept that is promoted in the schools, the media, and even colleges, that in order to be a successful person, you aught to consider looking, and playing the part, e.g..

* Wearing a formal suit to an interview.

* Speaking correct English at these interviews.

* Responding with answers to the interviewer with 'Yes Sir or Yes Madame

* Removing a chair for a lady or most often a White woman in a position of authority, in order to seem au-fait with social decorum.

Negative Social interaction Among People Of Color:

In some Communities Of Color, an aspiring young Latino, Latina, or Black male or female, may experience a lot of flack if he or she speaks well. Or proper English. This ability very often is perceived by his or her peers as acting White, or behaving like the whites do. The ability to speak or act civilly, properly, or achieve high marks or grades in school, can be traumatic for many youngsters in Communities Of Color, in inner cities or small towns. Envy, jealousy, and other social ills are primarily responsible for these feelings among those who seek to make you feel inadequate.

This behavior is sometimes called the Culture Of Poverty." This mentality is also referred to as 'Crabs In A Barrel' syndrome. Where as soon as someone tries to develop themselves, or seem to be getting ahead more than others think he or she deserves, can be a trigger for hate, jealousy, and even personal abuse or attack.

This social and cultural phenomena will always be evident in any culture where the disenfranchised, and marginalized have to survive and thrive in!

Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Journalists & Their National Security Responsibilities!

February 20-2007:

The Espionage Act-The Ascroft National Security Act. & National Security Responsibilities:

Today in America, journalists have a difficult situation to deal with, when it comes to reporting actions or acts done by the federal government, or any of it's national security agencies. In their efforts to combat, monitor, prevent, and catch those who may be considering acts of terror to Americans at home and abroad.
Only recently the George W. Bush administration spurned the New York Times newspaper, and it's journalists for reporting certain detailed actions done by the Federal National Security agencies, in monitoring suspect terrorists, or those who may be communicating with suspected terrorists.
The revelation publicly of detailed incidents, procedures, and the apparatus used to monitor Americans, via telephone, e-mail, and other forms of personal communication, was considered acts of espionage by the Bush administration. Which feels that such leakages should be construed as espionage in a time of war.
But weren't these media revelations, meant to inform it's readership, and all Americans, that their civil liberties, freedom of speech and private communication, was being manipulated, spied upon, and monitored by our government. Disguised as trying to prevent acts of terror, or prevent communication that may help terrorists move monies, or provide information deemed helpful to the terrorists.

However, in light of this dilemma between acting to protect free speech, and trying to prevent terrorist acts in the USA.
* How should reporters or journalists operate, or report news/information pertinent to the interests of Americans, considered of absolute importance?
* What kind of information should journalists or reporters use, that would be considered accurate, informative, or sensational?
* And should journalists reveal their source/s of information to Federal Security Agencies, if called upon to do so, regardless of their source's personal safety, security, or security trust?

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Hundreds Were Burnt To Death On Train In India!

February 19-2007:
Hundreds Were Burnt To Death On Train In India:

A highly secured and fortified train that plied between Pakistan and India was bombed by terrorists, as it plied it's route between those two states. This train's carriages windows and doors, were secured with iron bars for security reasons.
Now is this a sensible form of security for any moving train?
However, that was the reality on this train that was bombed. So when the bombs exploded, passengers could not get out to safety, and was torched to death, in an inferno beyond compare. Witnesses claimed that screams from children and adults who were alive for some time, and wanted to escape, could not get out the train because of these iron barred doors and windows.
What was on the minds of the security apparatus that decided to bar these doors and windows on these trains? Haven't they ever considered a scenario like this one that could happen, making escape for passengers an impossibility!
I presume that the brilliant minds that conceived of that type of security, was not from this planet, or from that place, or time!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Friday, February 16, 2007

All Gays-Homosexuals-Lesbians-Transgender Persons & Bisexuals Beware:


I've said it before, and I will say it again. All Gays and self-respecting Homosexuals MUST denounce the brutalities done to Gay or Homosexual men in Jamaica consistently.
Coupled with this action, we must boycott their music, their foods, and travel to that island.

Until Gay and Homosexual men band together in unity against barbarism and inhumane acts against a minority people, who by virtue of their sexual identity and sexual preferences, are scorned, beaten, raped, and killed in Jamaica. These primitive and sadistic acts will continue on that island.

Until the Jamaican government observe international human rights for all of their commonweal, and make it part of their National Constitution, that island must be "OFF LIMITS" for all Gays, Homosexuals, Lesbians, Transgender persons, and Bisexuals.

Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
PS: See article copied below:
"Cops save three alleged homosexuals from angry crowd."
KARYL WALKER, Jamaican Observer staff reporter

Thursday, February 15, 2007

These three men, who were branded as homosexuals, are rescued by the police after being locked inside the Monarch Pharmacy in St Andrew for about an hour yesterday. The man at front ducks after being hit on the head by a stone thrown by a member of the angry mob which had gathered outside the pharmacy and demanded that the three be handed over to them. (Photo: Garfield Robinson)

THREE men branded as homosexuals were yesterday rescued by the police from an angry mob outside a pharmacy in Tropical Plaza, where they had been holed up for almost an hour. But even after the police managed to take the young men from the Monarch Pharmacy, one of the three was hit with a stone, forcing officers to fire tear gas on the crowd which included men, women, teenagers and small children.

The approximately 2,000 people gathered outside the Kingston pharmacy hurled insults at the three men, with some calling for them to be killed.
The crowd grew larger as the minutes ticked by and the three men and staff inside the pharmacy were visibly terrified as the mob demanded that they be sent out so they could administer their brand of justice. "Send them out!" shouted one man.
The men, who all had bleached-out faces, and dressed in tight jeans pants and skimpy shirts, were saved due to quick action by police from the St Andrew Central Division.
When the officers arrived and attempted to push the crowd back from the front door of the businessplace they were greeted with some resistance and when they attempted to escort the men to a police service vehicle, which was parked near to the entrance of the pharmacy, one of the alleged homosexuals was hit on the back of the head with a stone as he flashed a wry smile before attempting to hustle inside the police car.
The cops were forced to disperse the large mob by dispensing tear gas canisters and whisking the men away as the crowd scampered in all directions in an effort to escape the irritating fumes. One man in the crowd was determined to get a chance to beat them and hurled insults at the police when they drove out of the premises.
"Unu can come save them nasty boy yah? Them boy yah fi go down," the man bellowed.
One woman expressed surprise at the brazenness of the men who were clearly displaying effeminate behaviour. "Jamaica has lost its way if men think they can openly flaunt being gay without any consequences. We don't want that kind of open gay life in this country," the woman said. Homosexuality is frowned upon in Jamaica and gay rights groups have constantly branded the island as anti-gay.
Under Jamaican law a male can be slapped with a sentence of up to nine years if caught in a compromising position with another man.
http://www.jamaicao news/html/ 20070214T220000- 0500_119155_ OBS_COPS_ SAVE_THREE_ ALLEGED_HOMOSEXU ALS_FROM_ ANGRY_CROWD. asp
SBIK wrote:
http://groups. group/Brothas4br othas_Only/
No Profile = No Membership 21 & Ova

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Senator Barak Obama-America's Only Hope Currently & Politically:

February 14-2007:

Senator Barak Obama-America's Only Hope Currently & Politically!

Senator Barak Obama may be the best thing that can happen to America politically, and culturally right now!
I sincerely hope that rational thinking people, especially those who are fully aquatinted with America's history, will reflect upon those historic episodes that occurred, that helped prepare this young son of America, at this time, and in this place.
To challenge all Americans with the view, that we have become a culture where race does not matter any longer, so long as our representatives promote our American values, and further the goal for a truly multi-cultural society.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Iran May Have Lots Of Oil-But They Cannot Drink It:

February 12-2007:

Iran May Have Lots Of Oil-But They Cannot Drink It:

If George W. Bush's administration continues to defer direct talks with Iran, then Iran will be forced to seek others who will talk with them, and possibly provide them what they need. Now that they have some sign that Kim Jung IL of North Korea is willing to make some concessions with the US in current bilateral talks, sends a message that direct diplomacy is what makes sense, and what states should do to create a climate of trust, goodwill, and peace. The Bush administration is accusing Iran of supplying munitions to the insurgents in Iraq. Be that as it may, true or false, should not be a premise for the Bush administration not to contemplate direct diplomatic talks with Iran.
The USA is the world's foremost super power. So why should they feel so threatened by less capable states that feel threatened, crying out for help in fear of this super power?

Must the American people wait until after the elections in 2008, for a the new administration in Washington to take the initiative. Or should they hold their breath in the interim, with the fear that a military strike in Iran could be possible. Because already, the USA has increased it's air craft carrier fleet in the Gulf. Claiming that this was done in an effort to monitor and deter terrorist elements trying to smuggle munitions into Iraq or her neighbors via that waterway.
Meanwhile, the Democrats and Republicans are still not able to come up with any definite resolution that specifically says to the White House, that they are opposed to sending any more troops to Iraq. A resolution that has the teeth to make it quite clear to the president that they mean business. The Australian prime Minister is maliciously claiming the presidential contender Sen. Barak Obama is not suited to be the next president. And this comes at a time when he is having some political uncertainty about his re-election Down Under!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

CNN & BBC Refers To Sen. Barak Obama As The Black Candidate!

February 10-2007:

Sen Hillary Clinton & Sen. Barak Obama-Should Team Up!

Someone suggested to me in an e-mail, that Sen. Barak Obama and Sen. Hilary Clinton should 'team Up.'
I have to say "Hell NO" to that idea. For the following reasons.
* They are both democrats, canvassing for the same position, (President).
* If they should 'team up' as was suggested, Mr Obama would have to take the secondary position when the nomionation time comes around. And I am sure that idea would not work in Obama's favor. Because the traditional mindset at the congress would go for HIllary anyday, above Obama for the presidency.
So the best thing for Barak Obama at this juncture, is to run on his own esteem. And let the Democratic Conference decide at the time of nominating the front-runner candidate for the presidency.
Teaming up, would be a sell-out for Barak Obama, and a great disappointment for the American people generally!
PS: Personally, I don't believe that Barak Obama shoul'd settle for any Vice President position either!
CNN & BBC keep refering to Senator Barak Obama as The Black candidate for the USA presidency.
What I still cannot fathom, is why does the local and foreign media keep referring to this man as the Black candidate?
When are they going to realize that Mr. obama is bi-racial in origin, and an American national, who happens to be the first male bi-racial candidate to contest for the presidency?
That just goes to validate the already racially prejudiced society that this man is trying to represent, and the insensitive behavior of the media in promoting the status-quo of Black & White consciousness!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Is It Hillary Clinton Or Barak Obama In 2008?

February 09-2007:

Is It Hillary Clinton Or Barak Obama For The Democratic Nomination For President In 2008?

Hillary Clinton is popular with New Yorkers and most Black Americans because of her husband's popularity. But if Hillary Clinton is nominated for the Presidency, she would always be judged (if she wins), by her husbands accomplishments and legacy!
No one should aspire to walk in the shoes of another. By so doing, you would have lost the experience of feeling the pinches, the comfort or dis-comfort of your own shoes. And that would be a futile choice indeed!
When Bill Clinton was in The White House for two terms, he did the following things that made Immigrants, and natives alike suffer in their everyday lives.

Immigration Legislation:
It was under Bill Clinton's presidency that The Immigration Laws that were introduced in 1996-97 that inhibited legal residence, eg P.R.U.C.O.L. (Persons Residing Under Color Of Law): Many of whom for various reasons, overstayed their time here in America, and was now seeking permanent resident status. His signing of that law, debarred most of them from ever gaining that legal status without having to return to their home countries, and risk death, poverty, shame or worse!The only eligible people that manage to float in, sail in, drop in, or reach the shores of America, are the Cubans, and they are entitled to Automatic Legal Residence Status? This kind of differential treatment of humans, coupled with political convenience, bothers me greatly.
Dead Beat Dads Legislation:

* It was Bill Clinton who advocated and had legislated for the so-called Dead Beat' fathers, to be made to pay for accumulated child support, or serve time in prison. That bill was passed without much fanfare in Congress, because most of the so-called 'Dead Beat Dads' are Black & Latino men. With a history of incarceration, former felons, a history of drug use, and alcoholism.
The framer/s of this bill never took into consideration what it would do to Blacks & Latinos who are former felons, unable to find regular and permanent employment, to comply with their child support responsibilities.
And yet, many Americans agreed to the passing of this legislation!
So whenever a former felon, or a Dad in default of child support, or owes child support, was reported on by his spouse or the parent of that child/children, immediate deductions are taken out of any earnings, whenever and wherever he starts to be gainfully employed. It does not matter how much he earns, the specified figure that is legally mandated to pay for that child's support, is deducted from his wages automatically.

A Booming Economy Legacy:

Yes, I agree that Bill Clinton left a balanced Federal Budget, a booming economy, and a reduction in national un-employment levels.
* But who benefited for that Economic Boom? Certainly no Black or Latino working blue collar Americans!
* No, the wealth was being enjoyed by the Wall street investment community, and those employed people who was able, by virtue of their earnings to indulge in personal investment or trade on the Stock Market.

So if this legacy is what will be used to justify the appointment or political choice of Hillary Clinton as president, then I say, think very carefully about this decision. Because if Hillary is expected to follow her husband's legacy, then she would be a very poor choice for the White House. Because every candidate has to show or prove to the American people, what he or she could do or provide for this economy, national security, national health, and immigration re-conciliation.!

Senator Barak Obama:

This is a new and fresh face on the political spectrum. No legacy, no baggage to carry or bring with him, no previous reference at running for the presidency. And a man that seems to know what he wants to do for America, and Americans. A man that is positive in outlook, decisive in action. And a man that does not mince matters, or play to the ears of those whom traditionally, must be considered in the political choices, or for financial support.
This is a man who knows what is expected of him, and has promised to deliver to ALL Americans, if elected to The White House in 2008. Commonsense tells me that such a man aught to be allowed to prove himself in that position. After all, it is only fair and reasonable for such a choice to be made!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Total Withdrawal Of All Foreign Troops Is The Only Hope For Iraq Currently:

Total Withdrawal Of All Foreign Troops Is The Only Hope For Iraq Currently:

Democrats Position On The War In Iraq:
* We do not support a Troop Surge:
* Start the phased withdrawal process in six months time: (Sen. Barak Obama's legislative proposal):
* Start a countdown to withdrawal, if the Maliki government is unable to bring or maintain peace in 2007:
* We will not provide more funding for any escalation, in excess of the already identified and Deployed Troop Levels, Munitions, Administration, Contracted companies/combat/security agreements, and Green Zone Financial maintenance:

Republicans position:

* They by and large, do not support any troops surge, but feel that funding for the current troops strength must be guaranteed:
* They would also like the White House to work with the Congress in a bipartisan-partisan process in all discussions pertaining to the progress, plans, or troop deployments and withdrawal concerns.
* Sen. John MacCain is the only republican who supports the president's troop surge in it's entirety.

This war in Iraq has been consumed by internal civil strife between Iraqi & Iraqi political factions who feel disenfranchised by the ruling majority Shia government in parliament. The Sunni and Shia Moslem factions are killing each other en-masse, with no end in sight. Fueled by other factions such as Al Qaeda, Arab Sunni Moslems from outside Iraq, Iranian secret service elements that provide funding, training, and other aid to the Shia majority.
Then the Kurds too have their hidden agenda, which is being stifled by this ongoing Civil War, that may hamper any hope for a FREE and independent Kurd federation in the Sovereign State Of Iraq.
Putting more military personnel on the ground from the USA or her partners, including The Iraq National Army (still inadequately trained and committed to the cause), and maintaining the security of villages, or cities cleared of insurgent fighting, and \massacres, and keeping those cities and villages free of them or peaceful, is a daunting task, even almost impossible to do in the long term.
The Iraqi government have no political control over what many government officials do privately or secretly in the furtherance of this conflict between the Shia and Sunni factions. The Iraqi security, the government, and the Army are all infiltrated by elements that want to keep the divisions between these two principal factions alive, in order to get the much long awaited revenge they had hoped for.
The USA White House Administration and military, has un-realistic views of how this internal conflict will eventually play out. However, removing all foreign military involvement, my begin the process of internal re-conciliation. If not for peace, for the prevention of another Taliban style government of ever being allowed to overrun their country like it did in Afghanistan, or take control of their much desired freedom and national justice under the law.
Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger. .

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Academia Discriminates Against People Of Color!

February 03-2007:

Discrimination may be to blame for lower class degrees among black students!

My Response:
With regard to the concern about the sub-standard merits given to Black and other Minorities Of Color graduates in the UK universities. Here is my take on this issue:

I have discerned this trend in most societies where the pre-dominant ethnic group, or ruling class ethnic group, determine who gets the merits when it comes to academia. This happens in India, with their historic caste system entrenched, in Africa, where ethnic and tribal rule and divisions still permeate that continent, The Caribbean, Central & South America, The USA, and The UK.

This is an endemic cultural trait that one has to recognize as reality, and find ways reconcile or curb these practices at institutions of higher learning. It is also reflective of the general cultural prejudices, and those who have the power to decide who gets what, when and how, within the social strata or hierarchy!

Derryck S. Griffith.
New York City.

Discrimination may be to blame for lower class degrees among black students!

// 02/02/2007 // Deborah Gabriel // Copyright ©

Last week the DFES reported that black and minority ethnic students are less likely to leave university with a first class degree because of "an unexplained difference." Could racism be a factor?

The new study by the Department for Education and Skills (DFES) virtually mirrors a study two years ago which was reported on Black Britain. More black and minority people attend university yet they end up with lower class degrees, which obviously places them at a disadvantage in the job market.

The participation rate for white students at UK universities is 38 per cent, compared with 61 per cent among black students, 60 per cent among Asian students and 49 per cent among Chinese students. Yet despite this all students from black and minority ethnic backgrounds are less than half as likely to get a first class degree.

In 2004 whilst 10.7 per cent of white students gained a first, only 2.9 per cent of African Caribbean students did and 3.3 per cent of African students. And whilst 48.9 per cent of white students gained an upper second, only 32 per cent of African Caribbean students managed to and 27.5 per cent of African students.

Yet 16.5 per cent of African Caribbean students were awarded a 3rd class degree, 23.5 per cent of African students whilst only 9.4 per cent of white students were awarded a third. Given the premium that higher class degrees carry in the job market, black students are clearly at losing out. But why?

Emy Onuroa of the BME Education Network told Black Britain that it is not surprising that BME students are under-performing at higher education level as this mirrors their experience at other levels of the education system, especially at secondary level.

But the surprise is that Chinese students, who are always assumed to be higher academic achievers are, along with African and African Caribbean students least likely to leave university with a first class degree. This is despite the fact that Chinese students outperform white students at GCSE level.

"More work needs to be done on why that is the case, clearly higher education is having a negative effect on their performance levels" Onuora said.

Higher education institutions are not reflective of world culture and the body of academic knowledge is based entirely on a Eurocentric view of the world. It is any wonder that when many revered academics claim that blacks are less intelligent than whites that they are gaining lower class degrees within the same higher education system?
For more on this story go to: Black Britain News
For other stories and more go to Courtesy of, part of Colourful Network.

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