Wednesday, April 30, 2008


April 30-2008:


Spend You Tax Rebates On NON-OIL CONSUMING Commodities or Desires!

It is vitally necessary that all Americans who receive these Tax Rebate checks in the mail. Or get these checks in the future, not to spend them on oil consuming commodities, products, or services, unless it is vitally necessary to do so.

Afterall, we don't want to give back those same dollars to the oil Barons, or their substitutes at the Gas stations. Because that would only undo what this MEAGRE assistance is supposed to do!

Ride the Trains, Subways, and Ferries if you can Please!

News Flash:

Air Marshals Are Now Terror Suspects!

Today I learn that some Air Marshalls have been prevented from getting aboard planes, because they were suspected of being terrorists.

This problem is getting worse daily, because of these snafus!

So much for terrorist surveillance and prevention!

April 29-2008:


Senator Barack Obama's Anger & Distance Speech About Rev. Jeremiah Wright!

The agents resistant to a change of Ethnicity & Policies at the helm in Washington-DC, have used every scenario to discredit Senator Barack Obama's ability to make the grade.

And these re-actionaries knowingly or un-knowingly, have awakened 'a sleeping giant' in the process, that has caused some PAUSE in the way the

Senator is perceived by working class Whites in this country.

I sincerely hope with this recent and momentous explanation, decision and distance, promised by the senator from his pastor, will bring about some reconciliation to the current furor nationally.

Some Points To Ponder:

When someone or some people want to get even or to victimize you. They use someone that is close and dear to you, as the conduit for that vendetta.

This is the situation with Barack Obama's recent troubles with his former pastor, his mis-steps, and his persona.

So be very careful with whom you place your trust and confidence with.

April 28-2008:

What Is The Difference Between TORTURE & Punishment?

Definitions Taken From The Word Web Dictionary:


* Impose a penalty on; inflict punishment on.

* "We had to punish the dog for soiling the floor again."


* Extreme mental distress.

* Unbearable physical pain.

* Intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain

* The act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean.

* The deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons in an attempt to force another person to yield information or to make a confession or for any other reason.
Are these two definitions synonymous?

You Decide Which Is Which!



Monday, April 28, 2008

Be Careful What Corpse You Exhume!

April 28-2008:


Be Careful What Corpse You Exhume!

Whoever decided or thought that they could use Rev. Jeremiah Wright's speeches in 'Sound Bites,' to blackmail Barack Obama in the eyes of the American people.

Did not cater for the opposite re-action that is now happening nationally. It has raised the RACE question, that most Americans are un-comfortable with. Much less discussing.

So, be careful what you do, it may bring results that you may never have envisioned!


Grand Theft-A New Video Game!

The BBC aired the launching of a new video game that was created by a British firm. Soon to be launched on the international market.
This video game seem to be set in a fictional US city, with lots of car chases and law enforcement involvement, in the act of trying to apprehend bandits.

Some concern was voiced about this being harmful for children. But I maintain that lots of action movies currently, depict the macabre, violence, un-lawful behavior, murder, mayhem, and sex, in every form and fashion

But no one is able to adequately prevent minors from attaining such movies or videos via the Black Market or illegally.

So what is the Big Fuss about?

April 27-2008:

CNN's Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Broadcast Highlight!

A Change Is Going To Come:

This is in relation to Rev. Jeremiah Wright's discourses on the pulpit and on television. And also emphasized in these speeches that in the African religious tradition, the way we as African Americans speak, learn, and behave, is based on our own cultural, traditional, and background experiences.

The CNN anchor seemed more concerned with how this expose will be perceived by the political establishment. But failed to discern that Mr. Wright was teaching the viewing public the various ways different people are taught, learn, speak, communicate, and understand the real world.

So making him a scapegoat in the media, for a few snippets taken out of context from his speeches, does not make him un-patriotic, bitter, damming, or and endorsement for Barack Obama's candidacy!



Sunday, April 27, 2008

No More Debates-Enough Is Enough!

April 27-2008:

A Lincoln & Douglas Style Debate Suggested!

Hillary Clinton is now asking for the above style debate, without any moderator. So that she could have her notorious and lengthy diatribe, while Barack Obama could hardly get a word in response.

We have seen how she has behaved on these sets before. And had to be restrained, or even forced to be specific to questions asked. In order to get her to focus with brevity, on any response/question.

No, we do not need another debate. The American people by now, have been swamped with such television discussions, interviews, and debates already, by these presidential candidates.

It is time to move on with the issues that matter!


Some Points To Ponder Senator Obama:

I feel that the senator should let the upcoming constituencies know that he is from working class background.

Grew up poor, with a working mother who was on welfare at one point, and got his education via good grades in school and scholarships.

Did not choose to go to the prestigious law firms after Harvard, but chose to work with working class dis-enfranchised people in Chicago inner city neighborhoods.

These things I feel will make him appeal more to working class White and blue collar workers, who may not yet know of his background.

Just a thought!

April 26-2008:


The Sean Bell Police Killing Injustice!

One does not go to a Sicilian neighborhood and do some injustice to a Sicilian, and walk away free.

There is an un-written Motto in Sicily that says: "We Take Care Of Our Own."

You follow!



The Ultimate Sacrifice For Whom?

When Japan was at war with the USA, all Japanese male and female civilians were coerced and finally forced to enlist in the army, to protect Nippon and the Imperial Emperor.

This Emperor whom millions had never seen or heard speak before. Now were being asked to serve and protect him from the American barbarians.

Eventually, Japan surrendered after two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki islands. Millions died instantly, severely burned, disfigured for life, and infected with radiation.

Today, generations after this war, millions of descendents of that war, still suffer various types of cancer from the radiation of their forefathers.

So when you are asked once again to serve your country, ask yourself this question.

To protect whom, and from what?



Friday, April 25, 2008


April 25-2008:
Sean Bell-A Brooklyn Black Male Killer's Freed!
Today the BBC aired the verdict of a court in Brooklyn-NYC, to set free those police officers who were implicated in the killling of a Black male, who was coming from a bachelor party prior to his marriage.
These officers shot Sean Bell fifty times, killing him, and injuring another in the vehicle at the time. The officers claimed they did so in self defence, even though no weapons were found in the vehicle or on the accused men.
A judge acquitted all of these policemen from all charges. Another case of New York City's Police Department's injustice coverup!
Justice Will Be Done!
April 24-2008:
No Short Skirts & Exposed Bottoms Cheer Leaders Allowed!
India has it's own morality laws that prohibit women from exposing cleavage or other body parts in public.
So if any foreign government, foreign cultural or sport's organization, wants to advertise or provide cheer leader's support for their athletes or performers.
They MUST be mindful of India's laws on morality. Failing to do this homework, may result in some embarrassing cultural snafus there!
Another W.M.D (Weapons Of Mass Destruction) Fabrication!

Recently we heard that the Israeli air force bombed an alleged nuclear weapons reactor site in Syria. This was made very public via the local and international media. And pre-supposes that Syria is moving towards attaining a nuclear weapon in the near future.
Today, the Syrian ambassador said on CNN un-equivocally, that the building that was bombed, was an empty building, that was a former military asset. It was not protected by any guards or security, and had no security perimeter fence around it.
So it seems to me that this is just another ploy being used by the George W. Bush administration, to cause fear and stir up un-warranted concern locally and internationally about a state, which government they do not appreciate.
April 23-2008:
The Reason Why Hillary Clinton Is Still In The Race!
The underlying reason/s why Hillary Clinton is still able to get constituents to vote for her are the following:
* The older women, White men, ordinary working class Whites, and those who are intellectually challenged, prejudiced, and in favor of her as the most electable.
These are the people who will continue to vote for her, regardless of how Barack Obama explains his policies, or tries to convince them of his sincerity.
These are the realities!
So just ACCEPT this fact, and do the right thing when your turn comes again!
April 23-2008:
The Resistance Movements In Iraq Defined!
During World War-11, the French resistance helped to turn the tide of the Nazi occupying forces in that country, with counter insurgency activities.
These civilian patriots were crucial in providing intelligence to the allied command in Britain, so that D-Day would be possible.
The same can be said for Iraq, Afghanistan,and Palestine, in relation to the American-Israeli & other Allied forces that occupy those countries and regions.
Regardless of whether they are Shia-Al Qaeda or Sunni fighters. These militias or resistance fighters all have one thing in common.
To rid Iraq-Afghanistan & Palestine of all foreign fighting forces in those regions.
The US most of all!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008


April 22-2008:

Be Very Mindful With Whom You Choose!

In order for these candidates to deliver on the promises made during this campaign. The democrats MUST have a MAJORITY in The House & Senate.

If we end up nominating Hillary Clinton, and if she wins the general election later this year, and does not deliver a majority in both houses.

Then we will be back to the Clinton era, where we still have not had a majority in both houses. Therefore, will not be able to get the important bills passed into law.

Even though we may have a democrat in The White House!

So be very thoughtful fellow democrats and Independents with your choice for the presidency. Or we may have dey-ja-vue all over again for another four years!


Will Hillary Clinton Drop Out If She Looses Pennsylvania?

Hillary Clinton will not drop out of this campaign, because she still gets financial support for her campaign from those who like her, feel that she still has a chance of getting the nomination.

Talk about un-realistic!

But this is the mentality of her financiers and hard core supporters.

April 22-2008:

Defining The Presidency & The commander In Chief!

It seems like the media and Hillary Clinton is placing more emphasis on the role of "The Commander In Chief," without defining the criteria for qualification!

* The Commander In Chief of the US armed forces, is embodied in the person or the president. That is his or her role over the US Armed
Services, in war and in peace.

* The president is the Chief Administrator in the White House, which is based in Washington-DC. He or she is responsible for US foreign affairs, the State Department, the appointing of Judges for the Supreme Court, and vets all legislation that passes the House and Senate after ratification.

These roles are equally important, and the person who is elected to the office of the presidency, does not necessarily have to have a military or business background!

Therefore, none of these candidates have the experience, or held that position before. Nor did they have the opportunity to appoint any Supreme Court Judge. So the question of vetting, or relevant experience outlined by Hillary Clinton is "FALSE" and self-serving!

April 20-2008:

The US Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of The Death Penalty!

The US Supreme Court has ruled 7-2 on the continuation of the Death Penalty by lethal injection. This comes after a moratorium was put in place pending their decision.

The US is still the only major or developed country that still uses capital punishment!

April 20-2008:

The Political Position Of Satyagraha!

Means and ends:

The theory of satyagraha sees means and ends as inseparable. The means used to obtain an end are wrapped up and attached to that end.

Therefore, it is contradictory to try to use unjust means to obtain justice, or to try to use violence to obtain peace. As Gandhi wrote: "They say, 'means are, after all, means'. I would say, 'means are, after all, everything'. As the means so the end..."

The Essence Of Satyagraha:

Is that it seeks to eliminate antagonisms without harming the antagonists themselves, as opposed to violent resistance, which is meant to cause harm to the antagonist. A Satyagrahi therefore does not seek to end or destroy the relationship with the antagonist, but instead seeks to transform or "purify" it to a higher level.

April 19-2008:


Things Are The Way They Are-For No Obvious Reason!

Maybe in the universal scheme of things, there is no purpose or meaning to anything.

What we as humans perceive as meaningful or meaningless, are so because we think it to be so.

But nature may not have a meaning or purpose behind all that we see or perceive to be.

Maybe things are the way they are for no obvious reason whatever.

Therefore, let us enjoy and preserve this planet. And ensure that it survives for as long as we can, until it could no longer sustain us nor itself as a planet.

Just Accept & Bless!



Monday, April 21, 2008

This WANTON Waste Of Precious Dollars MUST Cease NOW!

April 21-2008:


This WANTON Waste Of Precious Dollars MUST Cease NOW!

How long are the democratic constituencies will continue to allow this wanton spending of precious dollars, to fund this ridiculous sparing match between Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton.

It is high time to stop this waste of precious resources.

The winner is already obvious in this campaign currently.

Senator Barack Obama has the most won delegates, the most pledged

delegates, the most caucuses won, the most states won, and the most popular votes so far.

PLEASE, stop prolonging this fight, and let us all give Barack Obama the remaining votes to clinch this nomination.

That is the proper thing to do at this time fellow democrats and independents!


Thursday, April 17, 2008


April 17-2008:

You Must Not Worship No Other God But Me!


As I sat watching the POPE or Catholic Church 'Pontiff' this morning, dressed up in all his paraphernalia on CNN.

I recall the part of the scriptures that says:

"Thou shalt not worship no other God but me."

"Thou shalt not worship any graven images."

And I wonder, is this what the Scriptures were referring to so many centuries ago, even today?

April 15-2008:

The Vatican Rat Has Arrived In The Big Apple Today!

* Is this visit to be perceived as an acknowledgement of the state of the Catholic Church in America?

* Or is it to consolidate the Vatican's financial interests here?

Go figure!


The Business Of Killing People:

There is a time in the lives of most civilized humans, when they are told that it is noble to serve for the greater good. Whether we do this by volunteering, signing up in the military to defend one's country, or merely joining the Boy Scout Movement or The Peace Corps.

Today in America, young men and women are still being asked to do this very same thing in our military overseas. The type and style of wars that America has been involved in recently and currently, brings to question the nobility of such enlistment, and for whose benefit.

* Is it a war on international terror?

*A war to ensure access to mineral oil beneath the ground, for our economic survival?

* Or for annexing foreign territories to spread our values, ideas, democratic ideology, or empire?

These are just some of the questions that haunt most of our current and potential recruits for the military. Even some of those who are already serving overseas!

How we respond to these solicitations to serve our country, will determine the legitimacy and nobility of those traditional and cherished values!


Jimmy Carter Goes To Palestine!

H.A.M.A.S. is an legitimately elected political party and government of Palestine. This government was overwhelmingly voted in by the Palestinian people some months ago.

Recently, there was a schism between H.A.M.A.S. and it's sister party F.A.T.A.H, which is headed by president MacMoud Abass (of that party)., resulting in a territorial split.

HAMAS occupies GAZA, and FATAH occupies the other areas within the Palestinian authority currently.

HAMAS does not recognize Israel as a legitimate state, and also resents the occupation by Israel of Palestinian lands currently, the control of Palestinian movements everywhere, and the deliberate efforts to subjugate Palestinians to it's will.

The USA refers to HAMAS as terrorists, because it also supports Hesbullah (based in Lebanon), another perceived terrorist organization. All of these factors are at play now that former president Jimmy Carter is visiting with Hamas shortly.

The reason/s for Mr. Carter's visit is unknown to me currently. But I will say this. Mr. Carter as a former president of the USA, must be au-fait with America's position or relations with Israel, Palestine, Hamas, and F.A.T.A.H.

Therefore, whatever reason/s for this visit, must have been deeply studied and contemplated on, before this decision was taken!

However, I shall reserve any ridicule of this visit until some explanation is given by Mr. Carter about the motive and objectives of this visit.

Meanwhile, they are those who feel that Sen Barack Obama must declare objection to this visit. I think John McCain has already done so.

April 14-2008:

Small Town Mentality Snafu!

It is now being said that Barack Obama accused some small rural towns folks in Pennsylvania for blaming immigrants, foreigners, foreign trade, and even religion for their economic troubles.

And some even take religion and guns to express their frustration with their lot.

This is now causing some furor in that state and on the national media. If these accusations are true, I am truly dis-appointed in Barack Obama for these tactless remarks.

These remarks (though a bit harsh) are TRUE. But most Americans do not like to hear the truth about themselves. When it is pointed out to them, most take the defensive position.

We live in a world today where electronic bugs are placed in every conceivable place. And one wonders if he hadn't considered that possibility, when he was making this statement?


Jealousy & Envy Is Behind The Furor!

The CORE reasons for the current diatribe against Senator Barack Obama's recent statement on the small towns in America, are the following:
* Rush Limbauh (talk show radio-republican), and others like him are ENVIOUS of Barack's successes so far.

They are unable to comprehend just how could an un-known like him be so persuasive, and able to win the hearts and minds of so many people, across the board at this time.

* Because of this envy, from Hillary Clinton, John McCain, and others in the political arena. They are trying to paint him as False-Elitist-Naive & Ultra-Leftist with his promises!

That is the bottom line to this current media tirade!



Saturday, April 12, 2008


April 11-2008:

Some US Farmers Receive Thousands Of Subsidized US Dollars For Lands Not Being Farmed!


The US Federal government provides thousands of dollars to farmers who are NOT farming the lands they are being subsidized for. This situation has it's history since the depression years in America, when thousands of farmers lost their crops from the severe drought of that period.

However, the laws that were enacted for this national disaster period has not been revised to reflect current reality. These subsidies are still being paid to several farmers (at all economic levels), for Rice, Corn, Cotton, and other crops that are not being grown in several counties in the US farming states.

And billions of federal dollars for Food Stamps, Food Pantries are being withdrawn or curtailed, because the lobbyists for these subsidized farmers hold sway in Washington-DC in The House and Senate, to allow this predatory situation to continue!


Ref: CNN discussion today:

Some Points To Ponder!

Americans generally refer to the indigenous peoples or nations as INDIANS. Their educational institutions also use that description when referring to those peoples/nations as INDIANS.

Which is wrong, incorrect, and does not have any regional, geographic or Sovereign linkages to it.

Yet Americans do so without ever making the effort to correct themselves!
However, when Black Americans call themselves (at least most of them do), African Americans.

A lot of non-Black Americans say that description is wrong to use!
Go figure!


US Marine Fugitive Caught In Mexico Today!

A US marine (Caesar Loren) that was a fugitive on the run, was apprehended today in Mexico. He is alleged to have murdered his girlfriend ( and fellow marine), who was pregnant at the time with child.

Buried her body behind her house in a shallow grave, and then fled to Mexico himself. This marine was pursued by the FBI and all agencies within the USA & Mexico that pursues fugitives.

Incidentally, the Mexican authorities's stipulated that he will only be released to the USA Federal authorities, if he would be spared the death penalty, if found guilty.

Today this marine is captured and is awaiting the re-patriation to the USA to stand trial.

April 09-2008:


All Cults Should Be Outlawed In Civilized Societies!

The current snafu at this polygamous facility in ELDorado-Texas, is just one of several such facilities or organizations that harbor, indulge, and promote polygamous relationships, under the guise of religion or religious beliefs.

These "Harems" were conceptualized by very depraved MEN, who must have done some very serious research on the particular society or culture in which they plan to start or introduce this concept. And when they find the social and cultural climate vulnerable enough to make this intent possible, they come up with all sorts of ideas to lure their victims into believing.

These cults/harems are hierarchically controlled by the organizer/founder, and his lieutenants. All movements within and without these confines are severely scrutinized, controlled, directed, and monitored by security personnel instructed to ensure, that the converts are never allowed alone on the outside, speak to no one on the outside about matters within. And never allow anyone to move on the outside by himself or herself, without someone to monitor their movements.

In severely controlled environments such as these, it is almost impossible for any dissent to be contemplated, encouraged, or take place without someone getting wind of it, and reporting the suspect to the House Mother or Father. Who in turn disciplines that or those suspects, according to the House Rules for such misdemeanors.

The Moonies or (Sun Myung Moon's) Divine Movement, also indulges in Mass and arranged Marriages within that cult. Only time will reveal the severity, substance, or integrity of those arrangements. If or when someone or some couple gets out, and testifies about the ramifications of such marriages, the integrity of such arrangements, and whether such arrangements were voluntarily sought after!


What Is Straight Edge?

This is a concept that was coined decades ago by some suburban White youths, who wanted or chose to opt out against drinking alcohol, doing drugs, or indulging in criminal activities.

The original founders were also seeking out individuals who sold drugs, or took advantage of other youths. Gave them a good beating or roughing up, took their drugs and money, then turned them over to the Cops, if they felt like it.

These incidences were carried out in Clubs, and Parks where youths hang out mostly. Overtime, some elements among this sub-culture became self-righteous and begun to indulge in gang fights, or aggressive behavior towards anyone, who called them Gay or Fags, because of their moral principles.

Today, across America and globally, there are thousands of Straight Edge Disciples/Youths who are emulating both of these life styles. And the community has been labelled as a "GANG Culture" here in the USA by the Police authorities, because of some criminal activities and homicides that were orchestrated by some Straight Edge individuals.

However, the original concept of Straight Edge is basically not to indulge in using, selling, and trading drugs, consuming alcohol, gang violence, gang homicides, or theft, or anything un-lawful.

And the negative aspect, also called ( Militant), indulges in the 'opposite' to the above activities for their own individual, self-righteous, or mis-guided reasons!

The tattoo signs of Straight Edge followers/believers are usually shown as: POSI- XXX- Drug Free, and other similar markings.


The Gay Marriage Agenda Dilemma!

I have often wondered why push for Gay marriage to be institutionalized like the heterosexual traditional marriage arrangements. With all the legal ramifications in place for equitable distribution of resources, inheritance, visitation rights, dual-healthcare arrangements, housing lease inheritance/transfers, etc.

When in reality, the heterosexual marriages globally, has been on the downside for decades. And is continually experiencing the inability to maintain the status quo expectations for fidelity, integrity, continuity, and monogamy.

Civil Union recognition may be the better option to seek, if it also caters for DIVORCE or annulment, in cases where one or both partners feel it may be best to dissolve the arrangement!

Just a thought!


China Has America By The Scrotum Economically!

There was a time when the US administration portrayed China-Russia-Yugoslavia & Cuba as Communist states. And warned it's citizens not to deal with, trade with, or travel therein. These states were demonized by The USA for their ideological philosophy, which was basically mis-understood by the US intelligentsia.

Today, China, this same evil empire, has America by "The Balls" economically. Trade and Financial investments are extremely important with China, for the US economy's survival. Even the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are being financed by China.

How Ironic!

Go figure this reality!


The O.A.U. Farce-Or Africa's Illuminatti!

The OAU (Organization Of African Unity) is the biggest FARCE on the continent. This group of African State's leaders seem to feel that when something terribly wrong politically, economically, and socially in any African state. They are the ones who would be able to intervene for reconciliation.

Look at Zimbabwe, the Congo, Kenya, Darfur, Nigeria, and Uganda. These states have a history of violence, elections fraud, corruption in high places, and rampant disregard for the Rule Of Law. And when the international community call them to account for these flaws, they close ranks, and declare that Africa's internal problems are not for the rest of the world to dictate solutions for.

But in reality, these OAU leaders are all complicit with collective greed, political buddies, and never act in any way that could be perceived by the rest of the world as positive, realistic, or pragmatic, when it comes to solving major issues.



Tuesday, April 08, 2008

General Petraeus's Interview Today In Congress-2008!

April 08-2008:


General Petraeus's Interview Today In Congress-2008!

General Petraeus is expected to be grilled today in Congress about the Troops surge, the state of that surge in terms of improving the national security from insurgent actions, and say if this surge was indeed successfully implemented.

However, most Americans want this fight ended, our participation in that country stopped, and the military forces there withdrawn very soon.

How soon can this be possible, is left to the next president elect to determine. After listening and reviewing the military reports from the generals there on the ground in Iraq. But be very mindful, that any withdrawal of American troops from Iraq, will not be hasty, total, or without some provision for America's interest there, Embassy security personnel and property, and contracted work force therein.

Therefore, whatever is said or stated at this enquiry today, must be taken with a grain of salt, until the next president elect takes The White House.

Reality Check:

The real reason why these politicians and candidates seem to be unable to publicly reveal the true intentions of the US, is because of Iran's influence in Iraq.

Originally, the US had wished to have a Sunni controlled government after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. But when the Shia won the general elections there overwhelmingly, this was a big setback for America.

Now they have to deal with a government and a Moslem sect that hitherto, they despised in favor for the Sunni sect. This is the reason why America wants to stay there indefinitely, in the hope that they would win the Shia over to their side politically, as favoured allies for the future in that region.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi government have acquired billions of dollars from their oil exports, and have not used any significant amounts of those revenues to invest in the national economy and infrastructure.

This attitude will continue I assume, if the US continues to foot most of these bills!


Are We Safer Now Than Before The World Trade Center Disaster In 2001?

This question has been asked ever since the US invaded Afghanistan & Iraq, in this so-called war on terror. To date, no major terrorist action was taken on America's shores, to warrant the feeling that we are still vulnerable.

However, the World Trade Center disaster in 2001, was just one of several previous terrorist acts in this country. The only difference with this one, is that the death toll was much more in that one strike.

Therefore, are we safer now, or are we still vulnerable to terrorist acts in the future? The answer is YES. When and how this or these acts will occur, is anyone's guess!



Monday, April 07, 2008


April 07-2008:


It is Time For Barack Obama To Make A Public Statement On The Olympic Opening In China-2008!

It is now time for Senator Barack Obama to make a public statement for or against this issue!

And petition China's diplomats within this country-the USA.


The Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton's Dual Ticket Suggestion!


The suggestion that this web site ( ) is advocating for is pre-posterous to say the least, for the following reasons:

* Senator Barack Obama's campaign is based on the strategy for total change in the way Washington-DC practices politics.

* His suggested approach would be to BRING ALL participants in the political arena (House & Senate), to work together, in order to get things done in a REAL and FRUITUL way.

* Barack Obama's attitude and mentality is different from Hillary Clinton's tendency to be divisive.

* Barack Obama believes STRONGLY that in order for REAL change to come about in Washington-DC, the grassroots constituencies MUST have a say in how policies are made in Washington-DC.

Finally, for argument sake, if there is such a dual ticket. Barack Obama by virtue of his current majority in the Popular votes-Pledged Delegates-More Caucuses won-& More Delegates won, so far. And this cannot be reached or passed by Hillary Clinton in the remaining states to vote.

Plus Senator Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton's attitude politically is not in synch, to warrant any productive Dual ticket.

April 07-2008:


Work Related Stress Are Killing Some Bloggers!

I read an article in The New York Times today that says some Bloggers are so pressed for time in the provision of 'up to the minute' Internet news for their employers, that some are experiencing severe stress related illness. A few of them have died (supposedly) from this stress related work.

Some or most of these Bloggers are paid for their work, so they have to constantly supply the information and needs to their employers. This demand can be time consuming, stressful, and impinges upon one's personal life and life style.

However, I believe that those who are motivated by the MONEY, may very well find themselves in this situation. But those of us who merely do this for the joy of information sharing, and sometimes for pay (on our own time and terms), are less likely to become stressful in the process.

When you work at your own pace, you have the opportunity to rest at will, and continue whenever you feel motivated to do so!

April 06-2008:


We Must Never Forget Birmingham!

We Must Never Forget The Lorraine Hotel Where Dr. Martin Luther King Was Assassinated.

And We Must Never Forget To Stay United-Vigilant-Wise-Stealthy & Resolute!

Om Shanti.
April 05-2008:

ZIMBABWE's Elections Update:

Six days after Zimbabwe voted, there was still no definitive answer to who won. Zimbabwe’s electoral commission has yet to release the result of the presidential vote, though Mr. Mugabe’s party has lost its majority in the lower house of Parliament for the first time since the country’s independence from white rule in 1980.

The ruling party was also trailing the opposition in the contest for the 60-seat Senate, by 20 to 23 seats, according to results released Friday.

The slowness to announce a presidential victor has led to deep suspicions of vote tampering and international criticism. The opposition Movement for Democratic Change said it would go to court to try to force the government to release the results, news agencies reported.

From its own tally of vote totals posted at each polling station, the opposition says that Mr. Tsvangirai eked out a bare majority.
April 03-208:


China Defies The World Once More By Imprisoning Another Dissident Today!
China has defied the international community once more by imprisoning today, another Human Rights Activist, and an Advocate for people living with AIDS for three years.

This is yet another one of China's contemptuous acts of defiance to the rest of the world for trying to spurn them, on how they aught to treat their nationals or citizens.

This current act signifies the importance for the world governments and athletes, not to attend or participate in the opening or the Olympic games scheduled to be held there this year!



Thursday, April 03, 2008


April 02-2008:

Keeping Focused!

Senator Barack Obama said today on the Chris Mathews TV show 'Hard Ball,' that when the American people stop paying attention to their governments actions, that is the time they get screwed. (Or words to that effect).

So what we have to do now, is to keep focused on Washington, when he gets elected. So that we do not get screwed once more!

NewsFlash -Zimbabwe's Elections:

Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe has lost the national elections there now. Morgan Tsvangirai (opposition leader of the NDC), has won the day. As this nation waited in frustration a fourth day without official results in the race for president, the main opposition party of Morgan Tsvangirai announced its own final tally, proclaiming victory with 50.3 percent of the vote to Mr. Mugabe’s 43.8 percent — just barely enough to avoid a runoff.

The national election commission is yet to make that determination. Speculation has it that the results were 50/50.

And no party was able to get a majority!



April 01-2008:

Bad Voodoo Warriors!

This is a special platoon of US special servicemen who are currently deployed in Iraq as convoy protectors. Yes, they are using this platoon to escort convoys to and from various locations with deliveries of various military and Iraqi civilian necessities. Many of these men have been on several tours in Iraq before.

But they are not the typical military combat unit or platoon, but specially contracted to escort convoys. Which can be very dangerous for these men. Because it places them as sitting ducks in their vehicles from IED's explosives which are very often placed on the highway routes they travel.

These men do this because it is their job to do so. But are not happy with following Iraqi Police directives for safety or delivery tasks. Because they suspect that the Iraqi Police are infiltrated with terrorists, and one does not really know 'who is who' at any level, in this hierarchy of security. And this type of operation is not what they have been trained to do.

Furthermore, many of them feel that they are merely marking time in Iraq, because the Iraqi government is calling the shots on movement of US military forces, and combat involvement. So when they are threatened on these routes by insurgent fire, they cannot stop to engage them as they would like to do in defense. But keep moving if they could or if possible from the scene of combat.

The general desire of most military personnel in Iraq, is for the total withdrawal of all our military and fighting personnel from Iraq. Even though they are expected to say the opposite on camera or in public. But this desire is commonly shared by most enlisted men currently!


Military Report-Secretly 'Recruit or Hire Bloggers'

This 2006 report for the Joint Special Operations University, "Blogs and Military Information Strategy," offers a third approach -- co-opting bloggers, or even putting them on the payroll. "Hiring a block of bloggers to verbally attack a specific person or promote a specific message may be worth considering," write the report's co-authors, James Kinniburgh and Dororthy Denning. Lt. Commander Marc Boyd, a U.S. Special Operations Command spokesman, says the report was merely an academic exercise.

"The comments are not 'actionable', merely thought provoking," he tells Danger Room. "The views expressed in the article publication are entirely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views, policy or position of the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, USSOCOM [Special Operations Command], or the Joint Special Operations University."


When the US military has to contemplate using Bloggers (inside or outside the military), to sell themselves to the public at large, in order to get recruits.

Then that tells me they are getting into something that borders on the intrusion of FREE SPEECH for military personnel.

And indulging in cyber propaganda, like the commercial and political protagonists do!


What Is Al Sahab?

This is also a terrorist web site for Al Qaeda's propaganda!

Al Sahab:

Al Sahab is a spectacular twin tower, 44-storey, high-rise, waterfront tower which directly overlooks the largest bay of water at Dubai Marina. From the level three Marina homes upwards, all residents have unparalleled views over the Arabian Gulf, Dubai Marina, world-class golf courses and the desert.

Location: Next to Marina Promenade
Project Type: Beachfront Towers & Marina Homes
Unit Type: 1,2 & 3 bedroom apartments and 3 bedroom villas
Unit Sizes: 768 - 3232 sqft
Completion Date: Completed


March 31-2008:

It Is Time To Make A Decision VOTERS!

The only way to end this lengthy and protracted democratic race for the nomination, is for the constituents in the up-coming states to vote TOTALLY for one candidate in this race.

That will take anyone of these two candidates to the TOP. Making it quite clear that the time has come for the nomination to be made.

We all know or suspect who that candidate will be!

But if they continue to vote for their own individual preferences, then this race will go down to the very last state in the race, before any decision is made. And that \may very well be made by The Super Delegates.

The Choice Is Yours!


The Olympic Games In China-MUST Be Boycotted!

If the USA wants to remain the Moral Authority for the world. It MUST not allow or send dignitaries or athletes to China's Olympics Games this year.

China has been a notorious violator of Human Rights, and does not regard any person, group, or organization, it regards to be anti-patriotic or anti-communist, to indulge in Freedom of Expression on the Internet, the Local Media, or Educational institutions in China.

The Tibetan people's Anti-Olympic demonstrations recently, and the Falun Gung movement are cases for reference!


March 30-2008:

What Causes Some People To Inflict Deadly Harm On Others?

I have been following the spate of murders, rapes, and violence of every sort in the USA recently. And have come up with some of my own hypotheses.

* Most individuals who experience personal violence to themselves, either verbally or physically, overcome much of these experiences overtime, and get on with their lives.

* Some people see violence of every sort within their families, neighborhoods, and possibly during their teenage years in school.

* While others who have never had such experiences in the family, neighborhood, schools, or in the community at large. Are able to inflict deadly harm on others at a whim. And one wonders what may have caused these acts of severe violence towards others.


Personally, I feel that some violent natures are generic. Generic to a parent or parents who may have done some grave harm to others in their lives for some time. Therefore, their offspring inherited those genes.

I also feel that KARMA, or the actions of some ancestors that were un-paid or atoned for, passes on to some progeny. Many of whom may never know of such action or actions, because of the spiritual law of "Action and Re-action," that in some cultures they refer to as KARMA.

All of these factors, plus the individual's own inability to deal rationally with injustice, or perceived injustice, low self-esteem, self hate, drug and other substance abuse problems, and guilt. Are factors that contribute generally to how individuals view themselves in society, and behave towards others when they feel threatened, dis-respected, or dealt with unfairly.



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