Friday, May 30, 2008

The Church & Their Leadership's Pronouncements!

May 30-2008:


The Church & Their Leadership's Pronouncements!

In response to the many views expressed via the television and Internet mediums, concerning the spate of religious leaders inflammatory rhetoric.

Here is my take about them!

* No candidate running for the presidency or any political office,

should be held accountable for what his pastor, priest, or Imam says in those organizations;

* I accept that one attends a certain church, synagogue, Masjid, or temple, for some spiritual, social, and communal worshipping and association.

But to use the rhetoric of any leader of that church, some of which may be reprehensible, or socially inflammable, as evidence for guilt by association, is wrong, self-righteous, and bigoted.

No one should be responsible for what his or her offspring does, in his or her own time or personal space. To use such venues as a means to categorize, defame, or demoralize anyone, is EVIL and despicable.



Wednesday, May 28, 2008


May 28-2008:

Scott McClellan-The White House Whistle Blower!

White House Press Secretary, 2003-2006

As Assistant to the President and White House Press Secretary, Scott McClellan served as the primary spokesperson for the President and delivered the daily White House briefing.

Prior to joining the White House staff, he served as the traveling press secretary for the Bush-Cheney 2000 campaign.

Mr. McClellan began working as a gubernatorial spokesman for then-Governor Bush in early 1999.

Previously, he served as chief of staff to a Texas state senator, worked on grassroots issue outreach in Texas, and managed three successful campaigns for statewide office.

Mr. McClellan is a native of Austin, Texas. He received his bachelor’s degree in government from the University of Texas.


This individual claims in his book that is soon to be on the shelves, that he was misled, or given false information by George W. Bush's advisors.

So in order to clear his name and clarify the propaganda that he allowed himself to sell to the American public, by making the case for war with Sadam Hussein. He had to come clean with this new revelation of a coverup.

This guy is the dumbest 'whistle blower' I have ever heard of. Why did he not bring this revelation to the public much sooner when it mattered, and could have made a difference?

I believe that this guy just want to make some money with his book, and hopes that this information (true or false), will induce the possibility for a windfall of buyers.

How pathetic!

May 27-2008:


Jimmy Carter's Loose Lips!

Former president Jimmy Carter has spilled the beans about Israel, The UK, The USA, and Russia's nuclear stockpile.

Some say has had no right to do so, as a former US president who was privy to such matters.

But how could anyone suppress a civilian for freely speaking his mind, even though he is a former US president.

That is the question for those who feel he ought to shut up, will have to think about!


A Reality Check For Those Who Are Curious!

Some White folks say that they can never fathom Black

folks. Why they feel so cheated, frustrated with their lot, and always 'seemingly' angry with Whites.

But here is the problem with most White people:

* Whites were brought up in a system that caters to their every need, aspirations, hopes, and survival.

* Even those Whites that don't really care about all that. Still know inwardly, that regardless of what they do.

Their fellow Whites and the system, have their back always!

So when you are brought up in a system that makes you feel a sense of entitlement. You can never understand fully, why those that are not so privileged, have qualms with it!


It Is Not Michael-David Or John:

There was a time in America, especially if you are a new arrival on these shores, and your first name does not sound mainstream.

You were expected to change it, less you stand out too much.

Some Kruger's became Kevin.

Some Haniff's became Harold:

Some Maya's became Mary.

Today it is cool to be BARACK OBAMA.

We have come a long way people, and we still have some ways to go yet!



Monday, May 26, 2008

What Is A TRUE Democrat?

May 26-2008:


What Is A True Democrat?

* A true democrat is supposed to be a person of entrenched decency, believes in working hard to attain his or her needs, is not afraid to speak the TRUTH, even when it may not be prudent to do so.

* Is a believer in the perception that all men and women are born equal, and must strive to ensure that this concept is universally recognized and upheld.

* Must have values that transcend ego, religious beliefs, intellectual attainments, and family lineage.

* And must believe in liberty, personal freedom to speak, write, pray, reside, and travel wherever he or she feels, is likely to make his or her aspirations possible.



Friday, May 23, 2008

Anything Can Happen-Says Senator Hillary Clinton!

May 23-2008:


Anything Can Happen-Hillary Clinton!

Hillary Clinton said on air that she is staying in the race because history has shown, that anything can happen.

And made specific reference to Bobby Kennedy's assassination in 1968.

CNN and other news anchors said, she may have been tired, she didn't mean it, she is probably confused, etc.

This is all pandering to her misgivings. If Barack Obama had made those comments, he would have received hate mail, the voters would not vote for him any longer, and those who claim that he is an underground terrorist. Will say, you see, I always believed that he was a terrorist, and that is the validation.

Call a Spade-A-Spade, this comment by Hillary Clinton, have serious ramifications within the Black communities, and only time will tell who will suffer politically in the future!

May 23-2008:


New Police Gun With A Camera!

A new police gun is on trial in Orange County-New Jersey Police Dept. This gun has a camera mounted at the tip of the stem, and takes pics of everything that happens immediately after the gun is removed from it's holster.

It is claimed that this will help police investigations whenever there is a dispute about police behavior. This gun also have audio to record everything said by the user, while it is being used by the policeman/woman at the time of the incident.


* This gun does not record what happens before it is

removed from it's holster.

* Nor it doesn't record anything that happens after it is replaced back in the holster either.

* So how would investigators determine what has occurred, to warrant it being used subsequently.

* And there is no way of knowing what has happened to the suspect or suspects, after they have been apprehended, injured or killed either!

Therefore, the circumstances surrounding the outcome prior to or after the fact, still rests with the statement/s given by the policeman /woman in such investigations.

May 22-2008:

Meeting With World Leaders Or State Leaders?

We live in a world where some segments of this community feels that they have superior morality over others. And that is a fact of life.

Having said that, I will also add, that the current back and forth between Senator John McCain and Senator Barack Obama about who would or would not sit with Iran's current leadership, is a case in point.

On the world stage, states that have been recognized as such, and have been members of The United Nations, have some protocols that they honor, and expect their leaders to follow when dealing with or meeting with each other.

On the diplomatic front, ambassadors are the fronline communicators and initiators for their governments, followed by their respective governmental leaders,such as Prime Ministers or Presidents.

This protocol has been practiced for centuries now, and seems to be the expected mode to adopt, when dealing diplomatically with other nation states.

So accusing Senator Barack Obama as naive is most ridiculous. Because if he is elected to the presidency, he too will follow those guidelines for diplomatic relations.

And he too will decide who or with whom to meet with directly, under what circumstance, and where political expediency dictates.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

The TRUE State Of CRUDE Oil Supply & Demand!

May 22-2008:


The Underlying Facts Regarding Crude Oil Supply & Demand!

I believe that the true volume of crude oil underground in Saudi Arabia's reservoirs, is not known.

And the Saudi's are not saying either!

As the world's largest supplier of CRUDE oil, the Saudi's have a lot of clout in determining the volume of crude to extract from their resources underground. And as Asia and China's demand for an ever growing supply of crude/refined oil for their internal
consumption increases.

Suppliers like Saudi Arabia could limit the supply, just to maintain a certain level of profits. And at the same time, through this act, create a false sense of insufficient supply on the world stage.

These tactics will continue by O.P.E.C. as they see fit, so long as the demand for crude oil continues!

Immigrants In South Africa Not Wanted!

Yes, today thousands of Zimbabweans and other poor and destitute immigrants, many of whom fled from Zimbabwe and other neighorboring states to South Africa, are being beaten, homes burned, and threatened with their lives. Because they are perceived as sponging off the economic rights and opportunities that South African nationals are entitled.

Unemployment is on the rise for thousands of South Africans, and as history has shown us. When there is an economic downturn in most societies, the foreigners get the blame, and suffer the most from the repercussions that follow.

Here in the USA, the Mexicans, and other Spanish speaking new immigrant arrivals, are being viewed in many states, as the reason for some of our economic and employment ills too.



Tuesday, May 20, 2008


May 20-2008:


The Sordid Facts From The Kentucky Primary Constituents!

I wanted to disbelieve what I saw when the constituents voted in West Virginia and Indiana. When they voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton, in the rural areas of those states. Tonight it has cemented the fact that RACE was INDEED a factor, that determined the landslide once again for Hillary Clinton in Kentucky.

What I fear the most though, is when (and I'm certain) that Barack Obama will get the nomination. Is that in the general election in November, the rural voters will also vote RACE.

Regardless of how Hillary Clinton asks them to think about the differences between the democrats and the republicans.

These are the SORDID facts that were evident from these states now!

May 19-2008:


The Maverick Flip Flopper!

John McCain has been perceived as the maverick senator, because of his singular attitude or approach to foreign policy, and other issues that republicans believe in.

However, most of his votes on funding, keeping the troops in Iraq, the surge, and hands off involvement with those nations and leaders that America feels are our enemies. Are simply the same policies of George W. Bush. Even the length of time to stay in Iraq is basically the same.

Now John McCain is telling the American people that if the president directly confers with so-called terrorist nations or leaders, is not good diplomatic policy for a US president to take.

But he is not telling the American people that Senator Barack Obama intends to talk with America's enemies, from the top leadership levels, after indicating to those leaders what America's position is, and allows them to agree or disagree, before getting personally involved.

That is the KEY difference to the status quo hitherto, that said "NO DIALOGUE WHATSOEVER" with our enemies by the president ever!

May 18-2008:


Ethanol As The Next Best Consumer Vehicle Fuel!
Sugar Cane, the grass that produces sugar in Brazil is producing ethanol for all of Brazil's motor vehicles. So that country is not importing any oil for internal consumption for years now.

Cuba, I suspect may consider the same method to springboard it's economy, under Raul Castro's leadership soon. Because Brazil is one of their principal trading allies and friend.

But The USA with all it's vast and potential growing areas to accommodate sugarcane, has not considered that method, as a way to combat it's dependence on foreign oil as yet.

Maybe some global oil crisis may nudge it some day in that direction. Until that scenario becomes a reality, the government will continue to talk the talk, but not walk the walk.



Tuesday, May 13, 2008


May 13-2008:

Hillary Clinton's Victory Speech In West Virginia!

Let us continue with the SCAM?

For as long as our supporters fall for it.

These may be the thoughts going through Hillary Clinton and her insiders' minds.

Begging the Super Delegates to come over UN-MASSE to her camp!


Pastor Hagee apologizes for calling the Catholic Church

The Big Whore!

And Jeremiah Wright said that 'the chickens have come home to roost,' (referring to the 911 disaster) in America.

Both of these men are HYPOCRITES, who have been able to coerce numberless Americans, to their warped view of the world and the issues that matter.

It is a pity that America blames El Qaeda for promoting terrorism to dis-gruntled Moslems.

But do not blame these self-righteous Christians, for allowing Christian Demigods for doing the very same thing.



Monday, May 12, 2008


May 12-2008:

The Lebanese Dilemma!

The political situation in Lebanon is very grave. That country has not yet appointed a Head Of State or President. Because of the different political factions that cannot agree on most issues.

Syria became unpopular some years ago, after allegedly killing a popular Lebanese leader.

Hesbullah a Shia Moslem faction, and supporter of Hamas in Palestine, are labelled terrorists. This position was solidified when Hesbullah fought Israel at the Lebanese border, when the captured two Israeli soldiers, which resulted in Israeli incursions into


This conflict ended with Hesbullah claiming victory, even though thousands were killed, infrastructure worth billions were destroyed by Israeli bombs. And to date, the two captured Israeli soldiers have not surfaced, or surrendered to Israel by Hesbullah.

The Crowning Barack Obama By The Media!

There is not impropriety implied when the local media indicates that the democratic race is almost ended.

This assumption was and is based on the number of pledged delegates, acquired delegates, the most popular votes, the most states won, and now a lead in super delegates to Senator Barack Obama.

These are FACTS that anyone could see and understand.

Is West Virginia That Important In The General Elections?

West Virginia may not necessarily vote for a democratic candidate who is non-White. There is a history in that state of White supremacy and the KLU-KLUX-KLAN.

That said, sometimes you have to sacrifice one for the many. And that means one state lost, for the gain of 49 states that we could win BIG TIME.

The Spiritual Balance Have Been Disturbed!

Some theologians or believers in Karma may speculate upon the current atrocities in Burma and China, as the effects of years of social indifference, aggression towards those they do not appreciate within, and the non-recognition of the spiritual leader of Tibet.

Unlike Burma, China has billions of people. And the armed forces have millions of enlisted men and women, many of whom are called or respond to natural disaters like this one. So China and the Chinese people, will fare much better than their neighbors in Burma overall.

Whatever the spiritual reason/s for these current global and natural phenomena, is worth serious contemplation!



Sunday, May 11, 2008


May 09-2008:


It is now estimated that over 100 thousand natives may have lost their lives in the cyclone Tsunami. While the military government drags it's feet on allowing the UN and others VISAS to deliver aid to the affected areas.

Meanwhile, the people are starving, exposed to water borne diseases, starvation, and dysentery.
Currently there is a three days holiday in Burma. So millions of Burmese will have to wait until it's callous government officials return from their holiday to continue the SPARCE distribution of donated food to some lucky Burmese.

The government wants to do the distribution by themselves. But they do not have the logistics, experienced personnel, nor the capabilities to do so on their own.

So the world waits until that government gets real, practical and humane!

May 08-2008:


The Spelling Eccentric's Crusade In America!

A male eccentric is walking the streets and states in America to correct the spelling, pronunciation, and apostrophes displayed on public display boards, signs, advertisements, and any word that is spelled incorrectly in public.

Even on the menu cards in restaurants!

This individual has his work cut out for him. Because I believe that he is ignoring the educational root of this problem, to tackle the effects of it.

Which will be a daunting and incomprehensible task.


Make Room For My Dinosaurs!

I think Hillary Clinton is tacitly saying to the democratic Party, to make room for her dinosaurs.
Because she feels that they are the foundation from which this party have survived and thrived over the years.

And failing to give recognition to that constituency, may cause the boat to rock un-steadily, and possibly sink.

Go figure!



Wednesday, May 07, 2008


May 07-2008:


Israel Celebrates Sixty Years Today!

Israel celebrates it's sixty years as a nation. While Palestinians who were displaced to make room for an Israeli state, is still occupied by Israel, and still does not have a home or a state of their own.

Russia Gets It's First Prime Minister!

In Russia, former president Vladimir Putin will take the office of Prime Minister of Russia. The first such position to be created in that regime. While his buddy and friend will assume the position of President.

No one knows who where the 'buck stops' in terms of authority. But the general view shared by most Russians, is that there is now two leaders at the helm in Russia. Mr. Putin has informed the nation that it would be business as usual, with a twenty year strategy for development already in place.

Update In Burma!

It is now estimated that over 100 thousand natives may have lost their lives in the cyclone Tsunami. While the military government drags it's feet on allowing the UN and others VISAS to deliver aid to the affected areas. Meanwhile, the people are starving, exposed to water borne diseases, starvation, and dysentery.

May 06-2008:


Sen. Barack Obama's Victory In North Carolina!

Here in North Carolina, Barack Obama has won overwhelmingly. He even got a large percent of the White vote, in a state where the Black vote is in the minority.
Even though it was hinted by Hillary Clinton's campaign that he lacked the connection with White Blue Collar workers.

Go figure!


Full Speed Unto The White House!

Yes, Hillary Clinton's introductory remark was the above headline.

She is still living in FANTASY LAND.

Even her supporters changed the introductory song from 'Yes We Will,' to Hillary-Hillary-Hillary chant.

Defeat was very graphic in her face too!

But she refuses to relent!

May 06-2008:


Burma Looses Face In This New Disaster Reality!

Hitherto, the Burmese Military families and institution ruled Burma for decades with an iron fist. Most in the general population many of whom does not relate to the ruling military families, are categorized as inferior.

And is not allowed to indulge in politicking, or does not have any viable candidate that is allowed to represent them nationally. Added to that, the military Junta has quarantined this country and people from the outside world economically, socially, and via the Internet.

Now this cyclonic disaster have struck Burma so severely, forcing the Burmese military government to allow foreign food aid and other assistance for this national disaster.

Currently, twenty two million Burmese are alleged to have died during the monsoon cyclone flood there.

The US has pledged 21 million dollars in aid so far.



Monday, May 05, 2008


May 05-2008:


Best Wishes For The Mexican Independence Anniversary!

Cinco De Mayo is here again, and all Mexicans at home and abroad may be celebrating this momentous occasion. It is a good thing at these occasions to reflect upon where you as a people have been, and how far you have come in the journey after gaining independence.

A Happy & Peaceful Cinco De Mayo to you all, my Spanish speaking Mexican brothers and sisters!


First Lady-Laura Bush Spurns The Burmese Government!

First Lady Laura Bush said today on a radio broadcast, that the Burmese government failed to make public, the expectation of a severe cyclone storm heading their way in Burma.

Thus causing the deaths of thousands of it's citizens.

Imagine that, when her husband did not respond to the Katrina & Rita

hurricane disaster in New Orleans and Mississippi, until seven days into that disaster.

Why did she not publicly SPURN her husband for failing to act in times of dire need?

This is all hypocrisy!


The Power & Influence Of Trade Unions!

The executive branch of any Trade Union may endorse a particular candidate, for reasons best know to themselves or their self interest.

But there is no guarantee that the general membership may vote in the primaries or general election, for that candidate that their union endorsed.

Just a reminder!

May 04-2008:


It Is Not Michael-David Or John!

There was a time in America, especially if you are a new arrival on these shores, and your first name does not sound mainstream.
You were expected to change it, less you stand out too much.

Some Kruger's became Kevin.

Some Haniff's became Harold:

Some Maya's became Mary.

Today it is cool to be BARACK OBAMA.

We have come a long way people, and we still have some ways to go yet!

May 03-2008:


Why Are Some People Rejecting Identity Cards?

Identity Cards are a MUST have in many cultures. But here in the USA, it seems to be getting a lot of flack, by some who feel it infringes upon the privacy of people.

* Would anyone be able to apply for a Driver's license without some form of Identity?

* Would someone be able to open an account with any bank, without some form of identity?

* Could anyone identify a corpse without some form of identity?

Especially, if no one provides any description of that person or corpse?

* And could anyone TODAY, board a plane without any Identity.

So GET REAL people. Identity cards are supposed to verify that you are what you claim to be, and nothing else!



Saturday, May 03, 2008


May 01-2008:

So Which War Have We Won Thus Far?


Five years ago George W. Bush declared on the tarmac of a US aircraft carrier, that the mission in Iraq was accomplished. Inferring that the war in Iraq was won.

Today, five years after that public statement, the media and most Americans are still trying to figure out what was meant by that statement. Because the US military forces are still fighting in Iraq, the country is still in a state of national resistance to the US and her allie's occupation there.

And Al Qaeda our arch enemy are still plotting there, and elsewhere against the US and her allies. Even Asama Bin Laden the so-called spiritual leader of Al Qaeda is still at large, and plotting Jihad against America and her allies in the Middle East.

So which war have we won thus far?





The Republican Hidden Political Strategy-2008!

The republicans are undertaking a clandestine strategy to influence those republicans who are not inclined to support John McCain, to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Because if Hillary gets the Democratic nomination, and large Black and Youth voters do not vote for her in November. Hillary will be easily defeated, and the republican party will once again win the White House.

That is why Barack Obama currently seem to be losing momentum in the polls. Because a lot of those so-called Independents are undercover republicans!




May 02-2008:

Federal Stimulus Checks Distribution Dates:

Direct Deposit Payments:

Last two digits of Social Security Number:

Direct Deposit By:

00-20 May 2

21-75 May 9

76-99 May 16


Last Two Digits Of Social Security Number:

Checks Mailed By:

00-09 May 16

10-18 May 23

19-25 May 30

26-38 June 6

39-51 June 13

52-63 June 20

64-75 June 27

76-87 July 4

88-99 July 11




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