The Church & Their Leadership's Pronouncements!

Labels: Guilt By Association
Attention: The mission of this group is to encourage discussion on International Political Issues. It is hoped that by having such discussions, we all can have different perspectives on the issues that impact us internationally. Om Shanti. Mimbari
Labels: Guilt By Association
Labels: ViewPoint-19
Labels: Loose Lips Sink Ships
Labels: Oil Supply And Demand
Labels: Race And Change
Labels: ViewPoint-17
Labels: ViewPoint-16
Labels: ViewPoint-15
May 07-2008:
Israel Celebrates Sixty Years Today!
Israel celebrates it's sixty years as a nation. While Palestinians who were displaced to make room for an Israeli state, is still occupied by Israel, and still does not have a home or a state of their own.
Russia Gets It's First Prime Minister!
In Russia, former president Vladimir Putin will take the office of Prime Minister of Russia. The first such position to be created in that regime. While his buddy and friend will assume the position of President.
No one knows who where the 'buck stops' in terms of authority. But the general view shared by most Russians, is that there is now two leaders at the helm in Russia. Mr. Putin has informed the nation that it would be business as usual, with a twenty year strategy for development already in place.
Update In Burma!
It is now estimated that over 100 thousand natives may have lost their lives in the cyclone Tsunami. While the military government drags it's feet on allowing the UN and others VISAS to deliver aid to the affected areas. Meanwhile, the people are starving, exposed to water borne diseases, starvation, and dysentery.
May 06-2008:
Sen. Barack Obama's Victory In North Carolina!
Here in North Carolina, Barack Obama has won overwhelmingly. He even got a large percent of the White vote, in a state where the Black vote is in the minority.
Even though it was hinted by Hillary Clinton's campaign that he lacked the connection with White Blue Collar workers.
Go figure!
Full Speed Unto The White House!
Yes, Hillary Clinton's introductory remark was the above headline.
She is still living in FANTASY LAND.
Even her supporters changed the introductory song from 'Yes We Will,' to Hillary-Hillary-Hillary chant.
Defeat was very graphic in her face too!
But she refuses to relent!
May 06-2008:
Burma Looses Face In This New Disaster Reality!
Hitherto, the Burmese Military families and institution ruled Burma for decades with an iron fist. Most in the general population many of whom does not relate to the ruling military families, are categorized as inferior.
And is not allowed to indulge in politicking, or does not have any viable candidate that is allowed to represent them nationally. Added to that, the military Junta has quarantined this country and people from the outside world economically, socially, and via the Internet.
Now this cyclonic disaster have struck Burma so severely, forcing the Burmese military government to allow foreign food aid and other assistance for this national disaster.
Currently, twenty two million Burmese are alleged to have died during the monsoon cyclone flood there.
The US has pledged 21 million dollars in aid so far.
Labels: ViewPoint-14
Labels: ViewPoint-13
May 01-2008:
So Which War Have We Won Thus Far?
Five years ago George W. Bush declared on the tarmac of a US aircraft carrier, that the mission in Iraq was accomplished. Inferring that the war in Iraq was won.
Today, five years after that public statement, the media and most Americans are still trying to figure out what was meant by that statement. Because the US military forces are still fighting in Iraq, the country is still in a state of national resistance to the US and her allie's occupation there.
And Al Qaeda our arch enemy are still plotting there, and elsewhere against the US and her allies. Even Asama Bin Laden the so-called spiritual leader of Al Qaeda is still at large, and plotting Jihad against America and her allies in the Middle East.
So which war have we won thus far?
The Republican Hidden Political Strategy-2008!
The republicans are undertaking a clandestine strategy to influence those republicans who are not inclined to support John McCain, to vote for Hillary Clinton.
Because if Hillary gets the Democratic nomination, and large Black and Youth voters do not vote for her in November. Hillary will be easily defeated, and the republican party will once again win the White House.
That is why Barack Obama currently seem to be losing momentum in the polls. Because a lot of those so-called Independents are undercover republicans!
May 02-2008:
Federal Stimulus Checks Distribution Dates:
Direct Deposit Payments
:Last two digits of Social Security Number:
00-20 May 2
21-75 May 9
76-99 May 16
Last Two Digits Of Social Security Number:
00-09 May 16
10-18 May 23
19-25 May 30
26-38 June 6
39-51 June 13
52-63 June 20
64-75 June 27
76-87 July 4
88-99 July 11
Labels: ViewPoint-3-12