Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Trend To Destroy Our Own Has Not Ceased!

July 30-2008:


The Trend To Destroy Our own Has Not Ceased!

Historically, Blacks seem always bent on humiliating, or blackmailing their own leaders or upwardly mobile celebrities.

* Malcolm Little alias Malcolm-X was assassinated by a Black American;

* Rev. Jeremiah Wright took pleasure in embarrassing Barack Obama, and never had the sense of wrong doing, even to acknowledge that this same person was a parishioner of his, a spiritual child of his, and God parent of his children.

* Rev. Jesse Jackson-Jr also took punches of Barack Obama in a very negative way, that was most revealing and dehumanizing, when wind of it hit the media.

* Now Rap Singer Ludacris has used his genre to sing about Barack's' possibilities of attaining the White House, at the demise of John McCain, Hillary Clinton. And even went on to insinuate that the White House would eventually become The Black House.

Sometimes I wonder whenever will Black Americans realize, that the same people they hope to help deliver them from economic oppression, are the same individuals they would rather humiliate, and castigate with venom!



Sunday, July 27, 2008

We Will Leave On Our Own Terms John McCain!


July 27-2008:

John McCain Would Deny Iraqis Their Sovereignty To Ensure A Pre-Conceived Victory!

John McCain was asked by Wolf Blitzer of CNN this morning, the following question:

* Suppose you were the president elect in January-2009, and Prime Minister Malaki of Iraq said to you, I want all American troops out of my country in sixteen months.

John McCain replied, that Mr. Malaki would never say that, because he knows his mind and thinking. And that he as president would not leave Iraq and lose a war in disgrace. We will stay there until it is politically feasible (or words to that effect), with dignity and victory.

What this DEMENTED man is saying to the American people are the following:

If Prime Minister-Malaki tells him (if he is president), to remove all US troops from his country, he will never agree to do so. Until America decides to do so on it's own terms.

He is prepared to defy a sovereign nation, that is under US occupation, by denying that country the right to exercise it's sovereignty, because the US has the power to deny them that right!



Saturday, July 26, 2008

No Income-No Life In America!

July 26-2008:
No Income-No Life In America!

For those of you contemplating coming to live in the USA. Here are some facts to think about:

* To survive or live in the USA, you MUST have a job or employment.

* If you are not employed, chances are you will lose your home or apartment, from eviction.

* Land Lords or Rented Home Owners will not allow you to owe them rent for the past month, after three days in arrears.

* From the fourth day, expect to come home and find that your door lock has been changed. And you are looked out of your apartment.

* On the fifth day, if you are still unable to come up the full amount of rent, your things will be removed from that apartment and placed on the sidewalk outside.

* They hardly ever allow you to remove your stuff in your own time. To most Land Lords, that apartment has to be cleared, cleaned, and made available SOON, for the next waiting tenant available.

* And the Court hardly ever have empathy for tenants. They may give a tenant three months to find alternative accommodation. After three months, some Judges may extend that time to six months. And if at the end of the extended time, you are still unable to find alternative accommodation. The Land Lord have the right to EVICT you!

These are the facts of life here in America. So take note!



Friday, July 25, 2008

Barack Obama's Refusal To Visit The Troops In Germany?

July 25-2008:


Do Not Use Barack Obama's Visit To Europe To Gain Unwarranted Political Points!

* It was Senator Barack Obama who was instrumental in getting the GI Bill amended to accommodate for a three year stint, that would qualify any veteran for college assisted benefits, when he or she leaves the military.

* It was Senator Barack Obama who saw that the troops in Afghanistan were inadequate in numbers or strength, and called for the increase of more fighting men on the ground in Afghanistan. Long before John McCain realized it's importance.

* It was Senator Barack Obama who called for the withdrawal of all US combat forces in Iraq within sixteen months, via two brigades per month, over two years.

* And it was Senator Barack Obama who we all saw on television visiting with US troops in Kuwait, Iraq & Afghanistan.

* Finally, it was the Senator's view that visiting US troops in Germany, would be perceived as using that visit to promote his campaign for president.

* He felt that it would not be prudent at this moment to visit there, because of the very same criticisms that are being leveled against him currently by John McCain and others, who are SORE and ENVIOUS of Barack Obama's successes during these visits overseas.

PS: Please circulate to friends & contacts!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Barack Obama Attracts Over 200 Thousand Enthusiasts In Germany!

July 24-2008:

Barack Obama Attracts Over 200 Thousand Enthusiasts In Germany!

Today In Berlin!

Barack Obama has attracted crowds in the vicinity of 100 thousand, according to the German authorities. This comes as no surprise to those who are familiar with his ability to attract large volumes of people to his speeches.

I also feel that the Germans and Europe, has given him the NOD of approval, should he become the next president of the USA. This I have no doubt, and sincerely hope that the rest of his tour goes smoothly and according to plan.

Some US television media personnel are critical of Barack Obama's popularity, and claims that he is acting cocky, and behaving as though he is already the president elect!



Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Excuse Me-I Am Still Here-John McCain!

July 23-2008:


I Am Still Here Everybody!

Yes, John McCain is whining about his lack of media coverage. In preference for senator Barack Obama. He feels that Senator Obama is getting too much coverage un-fairly.

While he is being ignored!

Well John, Barack Obama is making "NEWS" brother. And you are making the same OLD and TIRED noise.

So deal with it.

The media is enthralled by Barack Obama's historic tour and popularity right now. But that still would not prevent them from turning against him on a dime, should he make some mistake on this trip.

Thus far, senator Obama is behaving like the statesman that he is!



Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What Is There To Be Won In Iraq?

July 27-2008:

What Is There To Be Won In Iraq?

The USA went into Iraq to overthrow a dictator named Sadaam Husein. After his defeat, the president George W. Bush said publicly that the mission in Iraq was accomplished.

But today, we still hear the Bush administration, John McCain and others who cherish war, contend that we still have a victory to be achieved in Iraq.

The surge that was introduced, was intended to ease the burden on the troops already there, give the Malaki government some time to get their political, sectarian, and national security apparatus in working order, so that the USA would be able to start contemplating troop withdrawals.

Contributing to the success of the surge were the following:

* The Sunni leadership in the various regions that were aligned to the Al Qaeda elements and insurgents, aligned themselves with the US forces, after they saw how brutal Al Qaeda was treating Iraqis generally. Plus Sheik Muktadar (the shia cleric) who managed Mahdi militia, also asked that they too cease fighting and allow the national security forces, and the Americans to do their security work un-impaired.

Therefore, all of the above factors helped the surge to work so successfully.

But for John McCain and others, to keep saying that the USA must not be to quick to withdraw it's forces from that country. Even when the democratically elected Prime Minister (Malaki), agrees that a sixteen month timelines is reasonable to consider in the withdrawal process.

And that is what Senator Barack Obama has been saying to Americans throughout his campaign. And what John McCain fails to recognize or even consider!



Saturday, July 19, 2008

CNN Showed Black Military Personnel For The First Time!

July 20-2008:

CNN Showed Black Military Personnel For The First Time!


Hitherto, whenever the US media showed House or Senate representatives visiting Iraq or Afghanistan, the backdrop behind the representative who was speaking, are always pre-dominantly White military personnel, with a handful of military personnel of Color.

Today, for the first time in years, CNN showed military personnel, (Blacks) serving in Kuwait, when Barack Obama visited there.

One would never know outside the USA, that Blacks in any significant numbers, were serving in the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan.

It is now more important than ever, that a CHANGE MUST come soon!



Thursday, July 17, 2008

Circumstance And Necessity Induces Great Things From People!

July 17-2008:


Circumstance & Necessity Induces Great Things From People:

This reminds me of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, under Mao Tse Tung, it's chairman and national leader.
In his time, thousands lost their lives, thousands starved from hunger, died from cold exposure, and many more killed, fighting the overlord and dictator

Chaing Kai Shek.

This they did out of immediate necessity for freedom from backwardness, impoverishment, foreign domination, and industrial malaise.

Like Vladimir Stalin of Russia, sacrifices had to be made for the greater good. Today China and Russia are benefiting from all those thousands, who struggled and died, in the belief that one day, things will be better for all.

Today, in both cultures, the tendency is to get rich quickly, at the expense of the poor and exploited masses.

Where this will eventually lead to, is anyone's guess!



Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The War In Afghanistan Should Also Be A War On Corruption Within!

July 15-2008:

The War In Afghanistan Should Also Be A War On Corruption Within!

The Hamid Karzai government is riddled with internal corruption. As someone who has dealt with some of it's bureaucrats said.

When you are dealing with those government officials, make sure that you are prepared to make some financial concessions, in order to get anything done.

These officials are a product of a history of corruption, that has plagued that country for decades. And Hamid Karzai cannot eradicate this cancer anytime soon.

Coupled with the poppy growing and trade, that thousands of farmers depend on for their survival. And the government cannot provide adequate and realistic alternatives to these people, which will induce them to move away from poppy growing.

So dealing with the Taliban elements that infiltrate is even more difficult, because the Taliban is willing to pay for voluntary fighters to their cause. And compensate the volunteer's families for their Jihad involvement.



Monday, July 14, 2008

Sudanese President Charged With Crimes Against Humanity Today!

July 14-2008:

Sudan's President Charge With Crimes Against Humanity!

President OUmar Hasan Ahmad Al-Bashir of The Sudan, was charged today for genocide against his own people in Darfur.
This is just one of several crimes still to be associated with him or by his orders, by the I.C.C or International Criminal Court, in The Hague.
This is just the first step to bring African leaders who committed crimes against their own people, to take note. That justice will eventually be done, no matter how long it takes.
As for President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. His day in this I.C.C is fast approaching too!
July 10-2008:
Who Would Be The Next Dalai Lama Of Tibet?
The Dalai Lama of Tibet some years ago, identified a little child referred to as "The Panchan Lama." According to their tradition, that little boy is the heir apparent, or next Dalai Lama in waiting.
The Chinese Communist Party's government in China, arrested that little boy and his family some years ago. And used another little boy of their choosing to be the next Dalai Lama of Tibet.
That is how the Chinese government wants to ensure that Tibetans submit to Communist rule, and The Communist Party as their ultimate symbol of reverence.


Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Tit For Tat-The New World Order!

July 09-2008:

Tit For Tat-The New World Order!

Israel destroyed a suspected nuclear technology building in Syria recently. There was no military retaliation from Syria.

Why? Syria does not have the military muscle to do so competently!

Israel also conducts numerous military maneuvers in and around the Persian Gulf air space, and around Iranian air space.

They intend to send a message to Iran, that we could hit you whenever we choose to do so!

Iran conducts their military maneuvers in the Persian Gulf, to show Israel, the USA, and others that they too have the military muscle to defend themselves.

But will Israel take the risk to strike Iran militarily? I think not, the risk is too great, and the repercussions beyond comprehension.


But The USA administration in Washington DC is not blaming Israel for indulging in terrorist activities, or terror related posturing.

So go figure!



Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I OPPOSE The Bill Allowing Immunity For Telecom Companies!

July 08-2008:

The Democrats Are About To Give G W. Bush His Way With Wire Tapping!

Democrats are about to give George W. Bush approval, to allow telecoms' organizations to continue supplying the National Security Agencies information on Americans when asked to do so.

This intrusion was done by George W. Bush, without notifying the Congress about his intention, or even following the legally enacted procedures to do same.

Thus deliberately infringing upon our civil liberties!

This Democratic congress is about to 'sell out' this country by allowing immunity to all those telecommunication companies that were involved, to WALK AWAY FREE, without any charges brought against them, retroactively or currently.

This is a travesty that is about to unfold in the House tomorrow. And concerned citizens MUST act now, to let your representatives know that you are appalled at this intent.

Please go to


Sunday, July 06, 2008


July 06-2008:

The Army's Involvement In Civil Unrest In Trinidad!

There was some concern when the Trinidad & Tobago army aligned with the local police, in helping to combat criminal elements in a certain community. Residents felt fearful of such deployment of military muscle, in a situation (which to most), seemed unnecessary at the time.

Concern generally was that the Police Department was the institution that was legally mandated to deal with Civil unrest. So when the army and police co-operated in that exercise, it would naturally cause raised eye brows within that community.

Personally, I feel that there was a lack of effective, and socially responsible communication from both the army and the police, prior to, or after this sting begun. Thus creating a climate of fear and concern.

Today however, the situation is much clearer within the community involved, thus allowing for better co-operation and acceptance.
July 06-2008:

Prostitutes In Jamaica Should Be Taxed!

There was a suggestion recently that prostitutes should be made to pay taxes for their work. This was never considered a legitimate source of income in Jamaica.
But in light of current international reality, the spread of HIV and other STD's. And the common solicitation for services from these sources. It may be prudent for consideration to make prostitution legal in Jamaica.

It is also a fact of life, that prostitution could never be obliterated, because it provides for certain sexual needs and outlets that some people and individuals, cannot get within a legal marriage arrangement, or monogamous relationship.

It is also possible for the state to ensure that such services are regulated in terms of keeping a register of those who are involved in such work, ensuring that regular health checks and services are provided to them legally, and mandatory venues, or areas be identified for plying such services.

These are realistic approaches to a social reality, that many Caribbean countries and governments have failed to address and acknowledge exists.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


Saturday, July 05, 2008

Americans Of All Colors Defined!

July 05-2008:


What Is An Aborigine?

1. The earliest known inhabitants of a region:

2. A dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans arrived.

Of course these definitions were coined by European colonizers, and may not be the accepted definition of those to whom it infers.

What Is A Native American?

This is also a definition that European settlers and colonizers of this country used, to identify the first known settlers of the American continent.

But these indigenous peoples or nations, would tell anyone who wants to know the truth. That they are not Americans. They are the original nations of this continent, and subsequently forced to become Americans by law.

What Is An African American?

The description African American is a politically chosen description, for those who so self identify. Mostly those whose ancestors were brought to the United States as slaves. These Black peoples' were from different nations or regions in the continent of Africa.

Be that as it may, the descendents of former Black slaves may not necessarily so self identify. But may choose to call themselves Black Americans, or Americans Of Color.

Whichever category one chooses, is based on personal choice!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


Thursday, July 03, 2008

Is Barack Obama Betraying His Promises Already?

July 03-2008:

Is Barack Obama Betraying His Promises Already?

There is some concern among those of us who support, campaign, advocate, and believes in what Senator Barack Obama is all about.

But recent changes on his positions on certain polices, is of grave concern to many of us. For example:


* Barack Obama said umpteen times that the N.A.F.T.A. agreement is terribly flawed. And that he intends to re-nogotiate when or if he attains the White House come

November-2008 elections.

* He also had to distance himself from, and dismiss an advisor who told a Canadian official that Barack Obama has no such intentions!


* This bill that deals with the manner in which internal security of telephones and Internet surveillance is done, was violated by George W. Bush.

Telecommunication providers were either threatened, or coerced into providing information to the George W. Bush administration about their subscribers.

*Barack Obama said that those responsible would be penalized according to law, if found guilty of voluntarily giving out such information, retroactively.

Excerpts taken from a speech given by Barack Obama:

"Under this compromise legislation, an important tool in the fight against terrorism will continue, but the President's illegal program of warrantless surveillance will be over. It restores FISA and existing criminal wiretap statutes as the exclusive means to conduct surveillance – making it clear that the President cannot circumvent the law and disregard the civil liberties of the American people. It also firmly re-establishes basic judicial oversight over all domestic surveillance in the future.

It does, however, grant retroactive immunity, and I will work in the Senate to remove this provision so that we can seek full accountability for past offenses. But this compromise guarantees a thorough review by the Inspectors General of our national security agencies to determine what took place in the past, and ensures that there will be accountability going forward. By demanding oversight and accountability, a grassroots movement of Americans has helped yield a bill that is far better than the Protect America Act.

* Now Barack Obama says that he supports this bill, and would not support any retroactive penalties.
IRAQ Policy:

* Barack Obama said umpteen times that he intends to pull our troops out within sixteen months in the White House. This he claimed would be supported by consultation with his military advisors about the security on the ground in Iraq.

And if the Iraqi government provides evidence that it is responding to the expectation of total national security of Iraq. This position would of course depend on what Barack Obama is faced with when he attains the White House on day one!

Meanwhile the CNN anchors are stressing the word "REFINEMENT," in relation to the senator's promise to withdraw all US combat troops within a sixteen month period.


* Barack Obama said before that a border fence would be necessary for the prevention of illegals from Mexico into the country. Coupled with other security infrastructure and surveillance.

* Which would eventually allow the state to contemplate on legislation for illegals to come out of the shadows, get themselves registered, pay fines, and work towards attaining Legal Status.

* The details about which of the above criteria comes first, second, or third, is still unknown. And how those who have been here Legally, but overstayed their time, thus becoming Illegal, still have to be addressed.


How many more reversals, accommodations, or political maneuvering, are we to expect from Senator Barack Obama, on his promises in the days, weeks and months to come?



Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Boycott T-Mobile Telecommunication Co., NOW:

July 02-2008:


Boycott T-Mobile Telecommunication Co.,Now!

T Mobile telecoms organization in Japan had an advertisement that portrayed a MONKEY, as a popular political figure, in a recent promotion.

And the crowds that were shown in this advertisement had the signs that read 'CHANGE.'

The Japanese firm representative said on TV today, that they did not associate this monkey avatar as a cultural or racial derogative of Senator Barack Obama, and his current popularity.

And continued to say that the monkey is revered in Japan.

Well, give me a break!

In this global international communication environment, with the Internet, television, and global awareness, I don't buy that excuse one bit.

How could the Japanese claim IGNORANCE for an American cultural derogative of Black people?

The advertisement was subsequently pulled from the airways, after some Black groups here in the USA and elsewhere protested.

I still believe that the intent to defame or promote that ridiculous stereotype of Black people, was intentional, and was probably intended for Japan and Japanese eyes.

But they failed to realize, that nothing in the global communication sphere, can be restricted to any singular region any longer!



Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A Nation In Confusion!

July 01-2008:

A Nation In Confusion!

What has any political party's affiliation have to do with one's religion?

* This seems to be the general confusion within America's political climate. Some people feel the republican candidate does not provide what most Evangelicals want to see him do.

* Some people don't see the democrats providing those values either.

* Some catholics, protestants, and others also want to see some candidate provide their agenda issues too.
So which candidate qualifies, or could deliver those so-called values or needs to the table?

I say NONE!

Americans have been living in a 'fairy land' for decades now. This was self induced in their psyche by most, and copping out mentally and psychologically, is the only way they could deal with reality. This also influences their choice of candidate for the White House.

Call it ridiculous, lunacy, childish, or insane. This is what will determine primarily, who gets elected to the White House in November-2008.



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