July 03-2008:
Is Barack Obama Betraying His Promises Already?
There is some concern among those of us who support, campaign, advocate, and believes in what Senator Barack Obama is all about.
But recent changes on his positions on certain polices, is of grave concern to many of us. For example:
* Barack Obama said umpteen times that the N.A.F.T.A. agreement is terribly flawed. And that he intends to re-nogotiate when or if he attains the White House come
November-2008 elections.
* He also had to distance himself from, and dismiss an advisor who told a Canadian official that Barack Obama has no such intentions!
* This bill that deals with the manner in which internal security of telephones and Internet surveillance is done, was violated by George W. Bush.
Telecommunication providers were either threatened, or coerced into providing information to the George W. Bush administration about their subscribers.
*Barack Obama said that those responsible would be penalized according to law, if found guilty of voluntarily giving out such information, retroactively.
Excerpts taken from a speech given by Barack Obama:
"Under this compromise legislation, an important tool in the fight against terrorism will continue, but the President's illegal program of warrantless surveillance will be over. It restores FISA and existing criminal wiretap statutes as the exclusive means to conduct surveillance – making it clear that the President cannot circumvent the law and disregard the civil liberties of the American people. It also firmly re-establishes basic judicial oversight over all domestic surveillance in the future.
It does, however, grant retroactive immunity, and I will work in the Senate to remove this provision so that we can seek full accountability for past offenses. But this compromise guarantees a thorough review by the Inspectors General of our national security agencies to determine what took place in the past, and ensures that there will be accountability going forward. By demanding oversight and accountability, a grassroots movement of Americans has helped yield a bill that is far better than the Protect America Act.
* Now Barack Obama says that he supports this bill, and would not support any retroactive penalties.
IRAQ Policy:
* Barack Obama said umpteen times that he intends to pull our troops out within sixteen months in the White House. This he claimed would be supported by consultation with his military advisors about the security on the ground in Iraq.
And if the Iraqi government provides evidence that it is responding to the expectation of total national security of Iraq. This position would of course depend on what Barack Obama is faced with when he attains the White House on day one!
Meanwhile the CNN anchors are stressing the word "REFINEMENT," in relation to the senator's promise to withdraw all US combat troops within a sixteen month period.
* Barack Obama said before that a border fence would be necessary for the prevention of illegals from Mexico into the country. Coupled with other security infrastructure and surveillance.
* Which would eventually allow the state to contemplate on legislation for illegals to come out of the shadows, get themselves registered, pay fines, and work towards attaining Legal Status.
* The details about which of the above criteria comes first, second, or third, is still unknown. And how those who have been here Legally, but overstayed their time, thus becoming Illegal, still have to be addressed.
How many more reversals, accommodations, or political maneuvering, are we to expect from Senator Barack Obama, on his promises in the days, weeks and months to come?
Labels: Promises