EL Qaeda Is No Longer A Threat In Afghanistan!

September 23-2009:
EL Qaeda Is No Longer A Threat In Afghanistan!
President Obama there is no EL Qaeda threat in Afghanistan for us to worry about. They are the Taliban, and they are Afghans. So we are Currently killing Afghans. And that is why we MUST leave NOW.
Let Governor General Karzai deal with the insurrectionists, this is not our war any longer. This is the view of many journalists that visit there regularly, and from Afghans themselves, when questioned.
What we are actually fighting are the Pashtun elements that identify with the Taliban's view of Islam and Jihadism. And some elements within the Taliban's dispirit groups in Afghanistan that are in it for several reasons, these being the following.
* To seek and destroy all foreign elements therein.
* To wage war against all foreign military forces from within their territories.
* To ensure that Islam is not compromised by any western concept of Governance via Western Democratic Principles, which totally conflicts with Islamic teachings.
* And to remove the Karzai government that was the brainchild, and has the support of the USA and her allies in Afghanistan.
Why Are We Still There?
The US went in to destroy EL Qaeda elements, Prevent Safe Havens, and Destroy Terror Training Camps. This was achieved some seven years ago, when EL Qaeda, (the Taliban's guests) were defeated.
Since then billions of US dollars, in munitions, hardware, infrastructure development, national security training, wages for Afghan Military and Police Forces, and payments of Compensation to Civilians for lives lost.
Which incidentally, are in the thousands, and growing daily.
Therefore, sending thousands more of US military personnel, will only INCREASE, (and this is also very likely to happen), the volume of American lives lost and maimed therein.
Even N.A.T.O.'S representation is dwindling at the moment, causing some concern among other nations, as to our End Game or Strategy in Afghanistan. This concern is also growing within the confines of the USA.
BRING our military HOME from Afghanistan by this year's end Mr. president. Or you will surely loose the vast majority of those YOUNG people who are dying there, and those millions who have supported you during the campaign for sure.
And I will harbor a guess at this time, that if you persist in keeping American troops there, and does not heed the call of Americans at home and abroad. You will regret it come the next general election!
Derryck S. Griffith.
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